"You think you're gonna get all thirty right?" I ask him and he chuckles as he plays with his chin hairs. Maybe I should sit on his face more often because why don't my man beard connect.

"Most definitely ma,"

"Alright..3,2,1...action." The director yelled out until the camera started facing the both of us again. Let's see how well he does.

"Okay okay,ouuu I like this question." I smile at the words before looking back up to him. "What's my favorite memory of us?"

"So easy. It was your birthday/ the engagement on the beach. He replied and of course, he got the correct answer.

"That's correct, i've never told you that though, how did you know?" I ask him and he chuckles before eyeing me. I start to laugh too once I understood why he was laughing.

"Nah but for real, you don't really cry like when you're happy but that day I could tell it really touched you if that makes sense." He explained.

"Yeah 'cause girls from New York ain't no punks." I make sure to add extra emphasis in the mic, just to make sure they understand

"You're from the suburbs bae, you don't count." He laughs which makes Ajani's opp ass laugh too. Of course it's just F mommy.

"Aha ha akiki ke," I say sarcastically. "Now this next question is gonna be extra hard because you wanna make jokes."

"Mhmmm." He gestured for me to go ahead with the question.

"What was our first argument about?" I ask and he scrunches his face up. I was up writing these questions so it's nice to know I wasn't doing all that for no reason.

"How am I supposed to remember that 'Lani?" Amir shool his head. He was looking mighty scrumptious whilst doing so too.

"I'll give you a clue. When we had the argument we wasn't together yet." I say but I don't think it helped at all considering no change of expression in his face.

"How was we in couple-like issues if we weren't even a couple?" He questioned to himself. "But I don't know, why do you remember that?"

"Last try. I think you got this."

"Over uh- I don't know if I can say his name but was it about dude that you claimed was 'like a brother to me' or your childhood best friend or something." He replied and funny enough I knew exactly who he was talking about.


"Fellas don't believe your girl when she says another man is like a brother to them but me? I was genuinely being honest." I reply, switching from the camera to Amir but he only hums in response.

Jealousy did look real good on him though.

"You gonna tell me what it was about?"

"Ohh, right so we had a cute ass date like it was going real good. We went to the beach, we ate some good ass food you put me on to-

"I remember. Then we bumped into somebody who I didn't mess with anymore and got a little annoyed- rightfully so- then you started catching a attitude so I was annoyed at everybody." He said as Ajani slobbered over his hands.

"Don't let him fool you! I only got a attitude because he  got a little temper tantrum and took it out on me like I did anything when you the one who asked me out on a date." I correct him but he just chuckles.

"Yeah you right," He responded. "I know."

"How many prominent scars do I have on my body?" I smile, almost positive that he'll get it correct. After all, he was the one who saw it every night.

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