On The Run

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-Warning: 21+ Action - Mentions of Drug Use (legalized marijuana: for medical and recreational use, legal in Nevada)-

I didn't remember a whole lot of the car ride. I spent over half of it asleep, too exhausted from everything, not just physically; the other half was spent in intense derealization. The only break between the blur of time where I came to the most was the couple times we stopped at gas stations during the hours of driving. I didn't even quite know how long or how far we'd driven.

With each mile that passed by us, it felt as if a weight lifted ever so slightly and yet a thin string to my neck slowly multiplied and tightened like a tourniquet. The freedom almost felt like a noose, slowly sealing my fate as it went over my head.

"Hey. This is the last stop before we get to my place." He cleared his throat after a moment, and I could just see his prominent Adam's apple bobbing in my mind, even if I couldn't focus my vision to see it in person. "Sorry the drive's been so long. I wanted to make sure no one was following us."

I barely managed to make a quiet hum as my response to his words. There was not enough energy in my body to feel much besides empty, numb. In the back of my mind, I registered that we were at a rest stop; the first stop was a small, out of place gas station.

"Come on. I'll get you a snack." 

As Nathan helped me out of the car, given my pain and other subsequent injuries, I couldn't help but look at the other vehicles around us. Although it was mid-day, it was overcast and the cars looked almost dull. My eyes caught on the trailers and parked semis, and my breath caught in my throat as I scanned them almost in desperation. There was a solid red semi, and a black Peterbilt, but my heart sank when I realized that he wasn't there.

It was then that I frowned, cursing at myself in anger at my thoughts and for daring to hope, to believe that a sentient semi would be a potential savior from my situation. I could feel the hot, angry tears that threatened to escape my eyes and it only made me more frustrated.

I was almost grateful for the moment to have proper emotions, even if for a second.

As we walked inside, I nuzzled further into my brother's larger sweater. I hadn't packed a jacket, but luckily he had an extra one hidden in the backseat.  As Nathan opened the door for us, the bright fluorescent lights hit me all at once despite the daytime light, and couldn't help but squint.

"Need to go to the bathroom?"

My head was nodding before I realized I had responded to my brother's question. I looked around and after a couple seconds, found the sign for the restroom. At first, he tried to escort me there, but after my hushed objections, he relented and opted instead to get our snacks and drinks for the both of us.

With that, I was left to my own devices as I hobbled carefully to the bathroom, doing my best to keep the darkness in my mind at bay.

It didn't last very long.

After my minor breakdown in the rest stop bathroom and then composing myself as best as I could (all though I couldn't suppress the visible distress), we were on our way again, snacks securely in bags at my feet and our main drinks in the cup holders.

I sipped on my slushie that Nathan got me. Cherry was always my favorite, on the rare chance we were able to have one. The sharp cold helped me to focus on the present, pulling me out of dissociation with every sip and coating my sore, scratchy throat.

I cleared my throat after a while of silent driving on Nathan's end, and with a small voice, I finally spoke.
"How far away are we..?"

His eyes briefly glanced over to me before moving back to the road before him. "From my place? About twenty minutes, though I need to make a stop at some point later today at the dispensary and get some stuff, I'm low again."

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