Noah the great ship under the sea

Start from the beginning

Is this what it felt like for Papi when he was an explorer? A rush of excitement, fulfilment and freedom?

It was amazing, the girl was coughing, gasping for air and sweating buckets... Whatever! It didn't matter, she may have been sick yet for the first time in her 24 years of life, the illness wasn't the be all and end all.

Alex toppled over landing on her butt, she was laughing, not a mocking one, a real one, a real genuine laugh. "NYAH HAHAHAHA!"

"Alex you good?" Namur appeared on her good side, followed by Haruta, both of whom exchanged a concerned look.

"Yea-" she told them between spluttering coughs, Alex was still smiling
"-I'm okay"

Namur and Haruta plonked themselves down on either side of her "Bet you're thirsty? Here-" The shark pulled out a bottle of water from a bag, handing it to her "-while you were sleeping we went to the Mermaid cafe, the one we visited yesterday, we had something to eat and my aunt gave me some food for when you woke up"

"Pffft, good thing you were asleep wouldn't want you choking on your own spit again" Haruta sniggered, making Alex go bright red, also reminding her of the incident with that pretty Mermaid... she didn't really look like an 8 year old boy, right???

Taking the bottle from Namur, kinda pouting she asked "Thanks... Uh, what time is it? It's gotten pretty dark."

"It's getting on, probably around 5 pm, maybe later." The red head answered, still giving Alex a smug smirk.

Medicine time... she retrieved her meds bottle from her sash and popped the lid, dropping two pills into her mouth, swallowing them down with a swig of water. Hopefully that would sort out all the coughing and the painful heartburn, or at least make it less uncomfortable.

Namur had gotten out a few sandwiches, whilst she was busy taking her tablets, setting them in front of her. Alex wasn't picky as long as those sandwiches weren't filled with oranges, she didn't care what she ate. Thanking him around a mouthful, as she began to shovel in the food, hardly chewing as to get it down her throat as fast as possible.

Once they were all gone, she began licking her lips, resisting the strong urge to do a "cat" and start grooming herself, to distract herself she asked "When did we get here?"

Namur hummed, looking pensive for a second "Probably a half hour ago, so not long before we woke you up", he began to busy himself, tidying away the sandwich packets. "Pops and the King were talking for ages, donno what about exactly, but me and Haruta got some lessons from Jinbe. He's really strong, he even taught me some Fishman Karate techniques... I'm not great at it, but I'll keep practising."

"Yeah Jinbe isn't too bad, he's strong but super quiet, I think he's trying to be a cool mysterious guy... I swear if it weren't for Pops saying no, I'd fight him." Haruta announced proudly, especially when they spoke about wanting to fight him. Alex didn't really get it, she didn't like fighting, in fact it was pretty rare to see the girl even raise a fist at all. She'd much rather run away and escape, than hurt anyone.

Ever since Alex was young she'd always tried to avoid conflict, the only time she went on the offensive was when something pretty significant happened, in simple terms, she would fight back if she was angry and it had to be really angry. Like lost her temper mad.

For a lot of her life on Bambora island, Alex had been ostracised for what she was, the islanders loved her papi, however they did not like her. She was strange... She aged slower, her dad was an evil pirate and she was too strong for someone her size.

She was made aware far too often that she wasn't "right", the amount of times she had broken and damaged buildings, however the worst thing, something that she had come to genuinely fear was hurting people.

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