🕛💢24/7 Handcuff Challemge #1💢🕛

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Kyle Broflovski & Eric Cartnan

Kyle woke up, noticing he wasn't in his room. He was laying on his couch, confused he looked around and noticed something on his right wrist. He looked down and saw that his wrist was cuffed to something, or someone. He heard a soft snore coming from next to the couch on the floor. He looked over the couch and saw that it was Cartman still fast asleep, his left wrist cuffed.

Annoyed, Kyle reached over and shook Cartman. "Cartman.." he said. "Mem stoooop!" He grunted. Kyle shook him harder. "Wake up you fucking fatass!"

Cartman's eyes shot open and saw Kyle. "Huh... wh-what the fuck...Kyle!?" He noticed his wrist and shook it violently. "What the fuck did you do?!" He yelled.

"I should be asking you the same thing you fat fuck!" Kyle yelled back confused. Suddenly, Kyle noticed something on the coffee table and reached over to pick it up. It was a note. He read it.

Kyle and Cartman
We thought it would be funny to handcuff the both of you together for 24 hours! Good luck!

Kenny ;)

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Fucking Kenny... this is gonna be a long day..." he groaned.

"Kyle..." Kyle looked towards Cartnan still annoyed. "What?" "I gotta pee." Kyle sighed. "Alright, let's go." They both sat up and went to the bathroom.

"Don't look!" Cartman said almost teasingly as he unzipped his jeans. "I'm not you fucking fatass!" Kyle shot back.

"Cartman! You're hurting my wrist!" Kyle whined as he tried his best not to drop the game controller. "Must... win!" Cartman said as he mashed on the buttons.

There was a knock on the front door, Kyle and Cartman both went to the front door and Kyle answered it. Violetta stood there noticing what was going on. "Hi Kyle-, oh..." she looked towards Cartman. "Hi Eric."

Kyle facepalmed in annoyance. "Dammit! I was supposed to meet Violetta at the library so we could study." He mumbled to himself.

"Um... might I ask, why are you handcuffed to Eric?" She asked pointing to the cuffs. Kyle rose the cuffs and responded with, "Long story short, Kenny wanted to handcuff me to this fatass."

"Ay!" Cartman snapped. Kyle turned his head to look at him. "Shut up!"

"Make me jew!"

Kyle then tackled Cartman to the ground, "Oh my god!" Violetta said worriedly as she entered the house and helped them stop fighting. "Boys stop it!" She yelled. Kyle and Cartman stopped but kept giving one another angry glares.

"Okay, do you know where Kenny has the key?" Violetta asked.

"No." Kyle answered, he looked at Cartnan. "Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Violetta motioned the boys to follow her. "Come on, we're going to Kenny's house."


Violetta, Kyle and Cartman stood at the front door of Kenny's house. Violetta knocked on the door. Kenny's mom answered.


"Hi Mrs McCormick, is Kenny home?" Violetta asked politely. "Yes he is, come in and I'll go get him." She said inviting them inside. "Kenny you have some visitors!" His mom called out. A couple minutes later Kenny came down.

"Hey guys." Kenny greeted nonchalantly making Kyle and Cartman more annoyed. Violetta walked up to Kenny and pointed to the two boys handcuffed. "Did you do this?"
He looked over to Kyle and Cartman. "Yeah."

"Why did you do that?" She asked him. "'Cause it was funny." He replied. Violetta held out her hand. "Can I have the key?"

"I... don't have it." He said. Kyle and Cartman were now pissed at him now. "I don't want to be cuffed to this jew!" Cartman yelled.

"Shut up fatasss!" Kyle shouted back at him. "Quiet!" Violetta said demandingly and turned her attention back to Kenny.

"If you don't have the key, then who does?" She asked with her arms crossed. Kenny shrugged his shoulders.

"You son of a-,"

"Eric!" Violetta glared at him and then turned back towards Kenny. Then an idea came to her mind. "I have an idea, does anyone have a bobby-pin?"

Kenny dug into his pocket of his parka and pulled one out and gave it to Violetta. "Where did you..." Violetta asked.

"Ex girlfriend's." Kenny finished her sentence. "Kyle, Eric come here."

The boys  went over to Violetta and she held up the cuffed wrists. Ave placed the bobby-pin inside the keyhole. "This won't work, you really think a bobby-pin will work-,"

"There." Violetta exclaimed as the cuffs were now off the two boys. Kyle shook his wrist since his wrist was getting a bit sore from Cartman pulling him around.

"Wow, thanks Violet!" Kyle said. "It's no problem." Violetta said smiling.

"Now that I'm free I can finally beat the ever living shit out of Kenny!" Cartman said ready to attack Kenny. Kenny stepped back as Violetta and Kyle held Cartman back.

The end!
Hope you enjoyed!

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