20 Austin POV

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Austin POV
Having Michael show up on my doorstep and tell me that he was kicked out because his wife had found out he was having an affair was a shock. I honestly never thought his wife would ever divorce him. She has been obsessed with him since highschool. I guess if the hurt and betrayal is that bad all love and loyalty you once had disappears in the blink of an eye. Not that I am really shocked to be honest. Michael had always treated his wife like she was an ATM not his wife. I just never understood why he cheated with a married woman. Her husband and his connections could destroy both him and his mistress in a matter of seconds. Now I am sitting here listening to him bitch about how his whore of a wife took all his money leaving him penniless. Finally I snapped.
" Michael stop you're the one who fucked up here. You cheated on your wife so she isn't the whore you are!. The money was never yours to begin with, that was also hers. You signed the fucking prenup saying if you commit adultery you get nothing. Well guess what buddy that's what you did. So that's what you get. Absolutely nothing per the prenup you and your lawyer both agreed to. All you are pissed about is that you got caught and that she kicked you out and took all her money and possessions back. Well guess what, I am in the same situation. Marie is coming after me and everyone who was even the slightest bit nasty to her. So stop your bitching and figure out what you are going to do for money now that you will actually have to work and not just sponge off your wife anymore. Because I won't be giving you a dime as I am about to be bankrupt thanks to Thomas and that whore Amber."
" Look I know I fucked up. But you are no better you used Marie just to inherit your father's company. You're no better than me. So get off your high horse Austin. You are just as big of a man whore as I am. You cheated on Marie the entire time you were together with her. You are a truly cold hearted bastard. She thought that bitch was her best friend and here you were fucking her so called best friend in her marriage bed every chance you got. How many vacations did you take your whore on and not your wife huh Austin?! You sit here acting so high and mighty but we all knew that Thomas was fucking Amber. Want to know why I never told you about it. Because even in my fucked up head, I knew Marie deserved better than someone who was as horrible as you and your bitch Amber. All your so called friends knew they were together for years. Did anyone tell you that she is going to try and pass off his baby as your kid yet? By the look on your face I would say no. Yep she is pregnant, by your best friend Thomas. Actually this is her I think fifth pregnancy. The others all aborted because she knew you would not leave Marie due to your parents hating her. So while you screwed your wife over for years she was fucking everything with a dick. I was included in that for a while I won't lie. So was my dad, all your friends have had a round or more with her. As long as they paid her she was willing to literally do anything. You really picked her over Marie. I am impressed by how stupid you really are. Now now don't worry I'm leaving. Just so you know you need to get checked for any STDs she had quite a few when I was fucking her. Took a few rounds of antibiotics to get rid of them all. Good luck Austin sounds like you're going to need it. Seeing as your ex is coming for you. Actually she is coming for all of us so we are all screwed. But you and Amber are her main targets I'm thinking. Well my cab is here gotta go bye".
I just stood there to stunned to move or speak. She really slept with everyone in my family. Everyone knew about it and they all betrayed me. Just like they all betrayed Marie when I was with her. Then it hit me five abortions. That bitch killed five babies and now thinks she can trap me with Thomas's baby. I am going to teach this bitch a serious lesson. Contacting my lawyer I have him draw up the paperwork to get a restraining order on Amber on the grounds of stalking and harassment. Putting my phone down I sit and really think about how my life got to this point. I had everything I could have ever wanted but I ruined it by becoming greedy. Marie was the perfect wife in every sense of the word. And I still was blinded by my obsession with Amber. Now that obsession has cost me everything I worked for. And I have nothing left, no friends not sure if they ever were my friends to be honest. No wife because I cheated on her and treated her like absolute trash. And even my parents want nothing to do with me.
Getting angry with everything that has happened I decided to confront Amber. So I send her a text to meet at a restaurant to talk. Getting ready my mind is going over everything that my cousin spat at me before leaving my house. She played me for so many years. I am going to make sure this bitch pays for everything she has ever done to me. After arriving at the restaurant I am brought to a table in the back and see a man who looks familiar. Shrugging it off I see the witch herself walking my way with a smile on her face trying to look seductive. When she comes to kiss I put my hand up and turned my head to avoid her disease infested self. In a cold voice I told her to sit. She does and looks around and pointed to the man who looked familiar saying that he was Tiffany's boyfriend Kevin. Then I see a woman who is beyond beautiful walking towards Kevin's table and hugs and kisses him before moving onto the older women. When she turned to the hostess my breath caught in my throat it was Marie. She was out on a fucking date seriously. What the fuck is going on. Looking at Amber's face o see she is just as shocked at what she was witnessing. When Marie's eyes met mine a chill ran down my spin. That was not the look of the Marie I use to know. This was a look of a person who hated me with everything inside of her. Then her eyes turned to Amber and blazed with so much hate and disgust I was shocked. The Marie I knew would never even raise her voice in anger let alone look at someone like that. That is when it hit me exactly how much I hurt her by being such a selfish bastard.

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