16 Kevin POV

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         As mom and I are going over what needs to be done for me to take control of our family business my phone rings. Looking at the caller id I see it's the cheater Tiffany so I hit ignore. Not even five minutes later my bastard sperm donor called and I hit ignore as well. They must be panicking at this point. Neither my mother nor I are answering my sperm donor and my door man is under strict orders neither is allowed in my building.
             Calling our family attorney to file for a divorce from my so called father my mother, also had a lock smith change all the locks at her  house and cancel all her credit cards. I started to laugh thinking about how angry my father was going to be when he finds out we know everything. My mother called her bank and informed them to freeze all his accounts as per the prenup agreement and they agreed without question. After she hung up my mom looked at me and very calmly spoke.
      " So may I ask exactly who this young lady named Marie is. Because I owe her a big thank you for showing me exactly what kind of man I was married to for so long. She sent all the proof I needed to get a divorce from him uncontested and to also ruin him beyond repair. So I had to ask if you knew who she was. Because she sent a message with my file saying if you needed anything to contact her and she will make sure you get what ever you needed."
        " Yeah I know who Marie is that's Austin Brooks ex-wife. Tiffany always treated her horribly for no reason. I just recently found out it was because just like her Amber is also a whore. She was having an affair with Austin his entire marriage. That man literally threw away a woman who was the epitome of class for white trash. From everything that I have heard all those who belittled and degraded her are now paying the price. Case and point my sperm donor and his whore. Turns out Marie is not the nobody everyone thought she was but an actual princess. It's funny really. I always liked her and treated her with respect. I will have to say thank you for everything she has done when this is over. Maybe we can take her to dinner she is the sweetest person you will ever meet."
    As I finished speaking my door bell rings and I answered it to see my mom's attorney smiling at me. As he entered he hugs me and ruffles my hair as he has done since I was a little kid and I laughed. We all go over the papers real quick. I sign the transfer paperwork for the company to become mine and Mom's only. We then decide to go to the office to break it to the cheating couple that they are now screwed. Entering the building everyone is waving and saying hello. Once we get to the CEO office we walk in without knocking. And guess who is here both caught in the act of having sex. Let the fun begin.
     " Well hello Tiffany nice to see you and my sperm donor getting along so well. I mean if you wanted to fuck someone behind my back did you have to go with someone who needs Viagra to get it up. You are just pathetic. I now see why you are friends with Amber you whores got to stick together. Oh your things are in the dumpster behind my building so you should run to grab them before you lose them all. Your car I pay for has been repossessed and all your accounts are closed that had my money on them. Also the police are here to arrest you for embezzlement for the last five years. So I hope he was a good fuck because that was the last one you will have as a free woman." I finished while laughing my ass off her face as white as a ghost.
      " Oh my dear pathetic excuse of a husband. What went through your mind when you thought this tramp was worth ruining your life? Because you lost everything by fucking this low life piece of filth. I know she is pregnant with your child. You seem to have forgotten the prenup you signed when we married. You are officially homeless and penniless. You are fired this company now belongs to Kevin and I alone. My lawyer has everything I need to get an uncontested divorce including this video of you two having sex in your office. Did you forget the surveillance recordings in this building also have audio. All employees are aware and signed a waiver. You betrayed your son for some loose moraled tramp who was after money and nothing else. I have the divorce papers so sign them and get out you are fired go live with your brother or sister. And make sure you tell them why they won't be getting any money from me anymore. Make sure you tell them that getting your dick wet was more important than protecting your family. You're disgusting."
            Watching my father's face drain of all it's color and the realization set in was priceless. This bastard thought he would never get caught. While we all just stood there the security came in and said the police were here for Tiffany. Smiling I said send them in please watching as she and this asshole got dressed fast was disgusting. The cops put the cuffs on her and my lawyer told them to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Turning our backs on the woman crying as she is lead out in cuff we look at the man who ruined our family.
        Handing him the divorce papers he looked at them and signed. Looking at me he went to say something to me but I just turned my back on him. Stopping at the door I told security to throw out that man and he is to never step foot I'm my building again. Watching as the security guards grabbed him and dragged him by force and physically through him out the front door was amazing. Walking out the front door of the building I spoke my first and last words to this man.
        " You stay the fuck away from my mother and I. If you or anyone in your pathetic family come near us I will make sure you all regret ever being born. I know they knew you we're having an affair behind my mom's back. And with my girlfriend. They chose to have your back and not ours. So they can live in the slums with you. They are now dead to me. Just like you are. This company now belongs to me. Maybe next time don't let your dick make decisions for you. Because it literally took everything from you. But you get the new baby from your mistress while she is in prison so that is something. Maybe you can be a better father to that child than you were to me. You never know."
          When I turned to leave I heard him say he was sorry. Sorry means nothing. Why do you think just by saying sorry everything is magical all better. Looking back I just rolled my eyes and scoffed out sorry means fuck all go fuck your self. And just like that my happy family was broken forever. But looking at my mom in the office I could see we would be fine. We would be stronger than ever and we would get our revenge on the cheating bastards with the help of a beautiful vengeful princess.


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