Redeeming Qualities

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We all promptly went to bed that night and all was temporarily well. I woke up the next day and realized that I still didn't remember my previous life. But finally, the morning after that, I had a breakthrough. And it started with me banging my head on the side of my bed.

I woke up to my head hurting. I immediately threw my covers off and trotted to the end of my bed where my chest with my supplies was. Apparently, I didn't realize how close to my bed posts I was because as I turned to walk to the end of my bed, my head hit one of my bed posts. I hissed in pain, muttering obscenities. Great, now I have an even worse headache.

I made it to the end of my bed and to the chest with my supplies. I threw it open and dug to the bottom of the top left corner to grab a pain potion. I pulled it out, pulled the cork off, and chugged it. I promptly set the empty bottle back in my chest and practically hurled myself into my bed. Why did it have to be freezing in our dorm? For as long as I could remember, the Gryffindor common room was warm and cozy.

For as long as I-


I, again, hurled myself out of my bed and onto Eleanor's bed. I frantically shook her awake.

"What do you bloody want Pucey? It's not even dawn yet." Eleanor groaned while trying to roll over to the side where I wasn't.

I beamed at her even though she couldn't see it. "I stepped on my robe in our first year and it cause me to slip and face plant in Snape's classroom. I had detention for a week because I was another 'idiot Gryffindor' so he said."

Eleanor shot up in her bed and almost smacked her forehead against mine. "What?" She said in a whisper.

"Then once those detentions were over, I tripped over a stool and had another week of detentions." Eleanor threw her arms around me, hugging me tight.

"You remember!" she squealed loudly.

"Keep it down!" One of the other girls exclaimed grumpily. But that had no effect on Eleanor. I could see her smiling at me in the moonlight.

She then held her finger up. "Let's talk in the common room." I nodded and walked over to my bed to put on my slippers before Eleanor and I tiptoed down the stairs.

"How do you remember?" She whispered, shrugging on her robe.

"I don't know. I just woke up because I smacked my head on my bed frame. Once I woke up I was freezing in our dorm and I was confused because I remembered our dorm always being warm and cozy. Then I realized that I remembered everything and jumped out of bed to wake you up." Eleanor was silent with her mouth slightly hanging open.

"You mean to tell me that you smacked your head on your bed and now you remember everything?" She went quiet again. "Huh. Who would've thought? The cure for memory loss only involves a bed frame." She threw her hands in the air.

I smiled to myself because she was right. It did sound silly but that was what happened. There wasn't anything I could do to change it. I looked around at the common room. Right now the Gryffindor common room couldn't have gotten any more special to me than it already was. Remembering everything was like seeing it all from a new perspective. It was enchanting. But I still felt like I was forgetting something.

Eleanor saw the look on my face. "What's wrong?"

I held up my finger. "I'm trying to figure something out really quick. Just give me a moment."

Gryffindor. Red. Common room.

"Pucey?" Eleanor questioned.

Pucey. Oh! Slytherin!

Terence Higgs OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat