Forgiveness Is Hard

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Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. What on Earth is that? I quickly realized it was my head pounding. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. My eyes flew open and I saw a ceiling. Ok, cool. Where am I?

"Miss Pucey, how are you feeling?"

I looked over to see an older lady walking over to me holding a small bottle. Who is this lady?

"Who are you?" I managed to get out. The lady stopped in her tracks.

"Oh dear," she started. "It appears that we've got a case of amnesia on our hands. Could you tell me your name?"

My name? I don't. Wait. I don't know. What happened to me? This is all too much.

The lady must've seen me start to freak out because she quickly moved me to another topic. "Well dear, my name is Madam Pomfrey and you took a nasty blow to your head."

"Madam Pomfrey, where am I?" She sighed and sat down in a chair next to my bed.

"You are at Hogwarts dear." She looked like she was going to continue, but the was a knock on the door. "Come in." She called out.

"Madam Pomfrey, has she woken up? Is she alright?" A girl with dark hair walked over to us. She was exceptionally calm for seeing me in a hospital bed. I think I would've freaked out.

"She has woken up but I'm afraid she is suffering from amnesia." Madam Pormfrey explained. I just sat in the bed and waited for the girl to address me.

"How are you feeling Pucey?" The girl asked me. But oh, is that a loaded question. I honestly have no idea what I feel or what I'm supposed to feel.

"I don't know." I answered.

"That's completely normal," She started. "That is to be expected. Hopefully once you start readjusting to life, everything will go back to normal. I'm guessing you don't remember me though?" I shook my head no. I had no recollection of her but I guess that goes for everyone here.

"My name is Eleanor. We are at Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards. You are one of my best friends and we both are in Gryffindor." She started to explain everything about life here and what I'd forgotten. Hogwarts sounds so, magical.

She told me all about the different houses, how I was well-known throughout Hogwarts and I had many friends throughout the houses. She told me about the classes we take and about the castle. Even though there's so much I can't remember, there's something I'm missing.

"Eleanor, I can't help but feel like there's something missing."

"Of course there's something missing silly, I've only told you a fraction of your life. There's so much that you don't remember."

"I know, I just." I trailed off. "Not being able to remember is really hard on me. Waking up and realizing you can't remember anything, it's really tough on me." She nodded. Even though I doubt she's been in the same situation, she helps me feel ok, like she understands how tough it must be on me.

I did have a question for Madam Pomfrey though. "Madam?" I called out letting her know I wanted to talk to her.

"Yes, Miss Pucey?" She called back from a back room and then emerged to talk to me.

"How long will I need to stay here?"

"Until you remember. It could be dangerous if you wander somewhere you're not supposed to be. It should only be a few days though."

It made sense why I needed to stay until I could remember because this place is a magic school and I don't want to end up in the crossfire of something.

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