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Terence's POV

There were only a few regrets I had once I left Hogwarts. For starters, I regretted the fact that I never caused any trouble in school. Second, I didn't spend enough time with my friends during seventh year. But worst of all, I never asked out the only girl I ever liked.

There are many reasons that I never would seek her out even as an adult but the main one is that she is constantly gone for her job. Plus, we were only a couple years out of school. Sinclair had made it known during our last year of school, that once she was free from the war, she was solely focusing on work. Even though I spend an unfortunate amount of time thinking about these reasons, especially the last one, I was still a functioning adult with an adult job.

As a healer, I worked all the time on cases ranging anywhere from regular witches and wizards to aurors. The worst case I had, was being the healer in charge of my best friend Adrian.

Well, that was the worst one I had. But as I looked down at my clipboard, the task I was just given had easily taken the spot. I walked into a room where my newest patient was being held along with Harry Potter, the captain of the team this auror was on.

"Potter." I acknowledged, holding my hand out for him to shake. "Higgs." Potter looked over to the bed. "Sinclair was hit on the back of her head with an unknown spell. We were able to stabilize her but we fear she's slipped into a coma from the head trauma."

I looked at the woman in the bed. The only person I ever had feelings for looked dead laying on the bed. I waved my wand over her body, casting spells. I roughly swallowed when I realized Potter was right.

"I believe you are correct. She appears to be in a coma. Do you happen to remember at all what the spell sounded like?"

Potter shook his head. "I have no idea what the spell could have been. We tried interrogating the witch that cast the spell but she won't budge. We tried anything we could think of but she wouldn't give in."

Harry sighed, "Look, I know what she means to you Terence. Are you sure that you want to take her as a patient? She may never wake up." Harry knew he was reminding me of the rule that if a healer had a personal connection to the patient, the healer could sign off and ask for someone else to take the patient.

My knuckles started to turn white from how tight I held my clipboard which Harry immediately noticed. "I understand what you mean Harry. But I'd never forgive myself if I wasn't sure that we did everything in our power to wake her up."

"But what would happen if you freeze up?"

No matter how badly I wanted to be the one to take care of her, a small part of me felt that Harry was right. I would never forgive myself if I couldn't save her. I was pretty good at keeping my emotions from seeping through to my work but it seemed like she was my one weakness at work. With another soft look, Harry walked out of the room to talk to another auror. I sighed and walked out of the room, making my way to sign her off as someone else's patient.

All I wanted was Sinclair but here I was, walking away from her again.


Months seemed to pass by slowly and everyday I went to work to hear about Sinclair's condition. Well, I'd hear more about how nothing was changing. Her family came in often to visit her but nothing was bringing her back. Other healers had thought that maybe hearing her family would help her wake up but there was no response yet. I checked in on her every so often but not as much as I wanted to. 

Potter came in sometimes to visit her as well because he was convinced that it was his fault. I never saw him though because I was always in another part of the hospital working so I was very surprised when he cornered me at my own workplace.

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