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Taking Advanced Arithmancy Studies was a mistake and I knew it the moment I signed up for the class.

The problem I had with the class wasn't the professor or anyone in the class. Professor Vector was a spectacular professor and I liked all of my classmates. The problem was Arithmancy itself. It was the class I had the worst grades in and while I tried my best to keep up, I quickly realized I was falling behind.

Once I had addressed this issue with Professor Vector, she had told me that she would ask Terence Higgs, the kindest Slytherin and friendliest student I had met in my six years at Hogwarts.

She told me that either she would let me know his reply or he himself would tell me so now all I could do was wait.


I didn't have to wait long. I was sitting at the Ravenclaw table on the fine Wednesday morning buttering my toast when I heard my surname. I momentarily stopped, holding the toast and knife in my hands, and looked up.

"Good morning Higgs. Has Professor Vector talked to you about tutoring me?" He nodded.

"Good morning Roman. She talked to me yesterday. I'm free on Thursdays if that works with your schedule." I thought about my week for a moment.

"I think I am free after dinner on Thursdays. Would 19:00 work for you?"

"That's a good time for me. I'll meet you in the library tomorrow then. I'll be sitting near the back so no one bothers us."

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you later Higgs."

"See you later Roman." He walked away and I looked down at my toast.

"It's cold now." I said frowning. Cho rolled her eyes at me.

"We're witches you know." She said before casting a warming charm on my toast. I chuckled before muttering a thanks and continuing on with my breakfast.

The next day passed quickly and I found myself entering the library for my first tutoring session with Terence. I quickly wove through the various students that were bustling around. I saw Terence in the back left corner of the library. As I drew closer, my footsteps were loud enough for Terence to look up from the parchment that sat on the table. I plopped down my Numerology and Grammatica 2 textbook and sat down across from him.

"So Higgs. What are we doing today?"

"We're going to practice problems from when you started to fall behind and throughout more sessions just keep working our way up the curriculum." I nodded and opened my book to the section.


Today was not my day.

I had slept through my alarm and non of my dorm mates woke me up which caused me to miss breakfast. I had barely woken up in time to make it to my first class and I forgot the book I needed for it so I lost house points. I mean I don't really care about the points it's just frustrating.

My classes dragged on for what felt like hours longer than they actually were and I almost got lost in the castle from how delusional I was. 

But the most ridiculous part is even though I slept way longer than usual, I was more tired that usual. All I wanted was to fall asleep and I spent the whole day fighting sleep. I wanted to go to sleep so desperately but I've been meeting with Terence for months now on Thursday so I can't bail on Terence.

So I dragged myself, somehow, to the library. I moved through the bookshelves and students in my way slowly because I was in no hurry to have to cram more information into my brain. I saw him at our table, parchment and book ready to go. He was always early, I had not once beat him there yet.

Terence Higgs OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora