Sophie vented all her anger on this little girl.

“Walk faster! You’re walking so slowly. Tell your parents to buy you better sho es. How can you walk fast in such worn–out shoes? How poor is your family? Do your parents not even know their plac es clearly?”

Valerie looked up in shock at the teacher who was verbally attacking her student.

Valerie thought, “What a rude teacher!

Is this place unmonitored? She’s so arrogant.”

It was true that there were no surveillance cameras here.

To give the children an independent space, there were no surveillance camer as that would invade privacy in the entire fancy school.

Even the stores inside the school had no such things.

The students all lined up to pay the bills.

It was because there were no surveillance cameras that Sophie was so bold.

Ordinary kids would be a bit angry if they heard such words.

But Sophie taunted the wrong people.

Valerie, who was trying to cut all ties with the Horton family in this life, chose to ignore Sophie’s mockery of her parents.

Valerie even found it a little funny.

It was true that Reese and Reyna didn’t pay attention to her or care much about Valerie, but the Horton family was the top family in Capstead.

Sophie said Valerie’s family was poor.

If so, there would be no rich ones in Capstead or even in Zillyvoma.

Seeing Valerie expressionlessly accept her mockery, Sophie was pleased.

Sophie thought, “This is the way it should be. Students just can’t refute their teachers‘ words.” She was in a slightly better mood, grunting coldly.

She led Valerie onward.

The luxurious classrooms appeared in Valerie’s sight.

In addition to the regular classrooms here, there were baking classrooms, coo king classrooms, foreign language classrooms, music classrooms, recording c lassrooms, and painting classrooms… When they walked to a to see a riding stable.

Valerie looked out and was surprised

The upperclassmen were now taking an equestrian lesson.

Valerie’s eyes widened.

This was a place she couldn’t reach in her last life.

She was born into a wealthy family, but she lived a humble life.

In this life, maybe due to the butterfly effect, Reese and Kieran sent Valerie to school.

But the tuition fees were too high.

It cost 100 thousand dollars a year.

Valerie threw this matter out of her mind.

She would not forget it. When she earned money later, she would save up mo ney and return it to them.

They arrived at the classroom soon.

Sophie, who had just been cranky as hell, immediately adjusted her mood.

Turning her head to Valerie, Sophie gave a fake smile.

“Here we are, Valerie.”

Sophie pushed open the heavy mahogany door.

The noise in the classroom stimulated Valerie’s ears.

The students were playing and shouting. There were even small groups.

Almost all the girls surrounded a girl with long hair.

Valerie didn’t see her clearly before the girl ran to the back row and sat quietly.

Seeing Sophie, the kids sat back down.

But they still turned their heads and chatted with each other.

They didn’t take Sophie seriously at all.

Even so, Sophie smiled at them.

“Everyone, we have a new classmate today. Let’s welcome her.” This news made them stop chatting and look at the door with curious eyes.

“A new student came?”

“How could it be? My dad said it was hard to enter this school. One has to app ly a year in advance to become a first grader here.”

“Who’s that? She’s so powerful.”

These were the children of Capstead’s powerful families.

At a young age, they had learned a lot from their families.

They were high and mighty.

They were just a part of the students. The other part was the opposite of them.

They had strict family rules, and they had been forced to learn a lot of things si nce kindergarten. They were well–taught.

They hated those classmates who looked down on others.

After Valerie appeared in the class, the situation became funny.

Half of the students there laughed at Valerie.

The other half applauded with seriousness.

They were welcoming Valerie to the class.

It was Valerie’s first day in this class.

She got a little vexed.

Sophie was mean, and the atmosphere of this class was not harmonious at all.

Valerie thought, “Is this the so–called fancy school?”


They Revived Me: Surrounded by Adoration as a Supporting Role Where stories live. Discover now