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You Shall Not Pass

{Word count: 1405}

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{Word count: 1405}

The Fellowship run out of the tomb area, orcs swarm behind them. The glance around themselves to see thousands of orcs chasing them, climbing out of cracks in the floor, out of the roof and down the great columns. Eventually they are forced to stop, completely surrounded by orcs. They hold their weapons out before them.

Then a great roar is heard from a archway, which glows red. The orcs look round worried. The roar is heard again, the orcs screech in terror and scatter. Gimli grins. A low roar is heard again and the glowing red draws nearer.

"What is this new devilment ?" Boromir asks.

Gandalf closes his eyes and thinks hard, as if he is dreading telling what is there. As he open his eyes, the red glow covers the entrance path of columns in front of them "A balrog, a demon of the ancient world. Its foe is beyond any of you RUN!" Tari takes ahold of pippins hand dragging him along with her.

They run as fast as they can, leaving the cavern of columns. Boromir races head, down some steps, but suddenly finds the steps end above a great chasm. He teeters on the edge trying not to fall, Legolas runs up behind him and pulls him back away from the edge. Gandalf stumbles in last.

Aragorn looking at Gandalf concerned "Gandalf!"

"Lead them on Aragorn. The Bridge is near!"

The narrow bridge gaps the two sides of the great chasm. A roar is heard behind them as the red fiery glow draws closer. Gandalf pushes Aragorn away. "Do as I say!" Aragorn looks at him confused. Gandalf walks past him "Swords are of no more use here."

They turn to the right and run down the steps in front of them, which wind their way to the Bridge. Suddenly they reach a break, a gap in the staircase, which is too wide to step over. Legolas grabs Tari's hip and nimbly jumps the gap and looks expectantly at the others. Gandalf looks puzzled. They hear a roar again behind them as the roof above starts to crumble. Legolas shouts for the wizard

Gandalf jumps over the gap to join Legolas. Arrows fire out of the air, narrowly missing Boromir, the hobbits and the fuers. Legolas turns, aims one arrow and shoots the orc firing directly in the head. "Merry! Pippin!" Boromir takes each hobbit under each arm and jumps with them. As he does so, a greater chunk of the steps they were standing on, falls away. They land, Merry and Pippin grab ahold of Tari's legs burying their faces in her cloak. She rubs their heads to comfort the two. Legolas continues to aim at the orcs firing at them, killing them. Aegnor and Callon was the next to jump, they swiftly land beside Tari as she sighs in relief.

"Sam!" Aragorn picks him up and throws him across the gap to Boromir, then looks over at Gimli. He holds up his hand. "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" He takes a mighty leap and lands teetering on the other side. Legolas reaches out to stop him falling, grabbing his beard. "Mind the beard!"

Aragorn, Aegnor and Callon fire arrows at the orcs, as Legolas pulls Gimli to safety. Suddenly more of the steps they have just left fall away. Aragorn throws Frodo to safety further up the steps and clings onto the stairs as a great portion of them fall into the chasm. The gap now, is too wide to jump. The rest of the Fellowship look worried. Frodo wobbles on his feet. Aragorn stands up holding Frodo's back. "Steady! Hold on!"

The doorway entrance behind them glows red. A great roar comes from just behind it. The doorway and roof above crumble, and a great chunk of rock falls from the roof, into the staircase behind Aragorn and Frodo, creating another great gap. They are now isolated on the staircase. The column on which this part of the staircase is, begins to crack and the staircase sways. "Aragorn!" Tari yells, worry laced in her voice.

Aragorn nodded holding Frodo's clothing from behind. "Hang on!" The staircase on which they are standing continues to sway from side to side. The rest of the Fellowship all stare, the air beginning to get thick.

"Lean forward!" Aegnor shouts, shooting at the orcs one the balconies above. They did as he said and the staircase swayed then fell forward towards the rest of the Fellowship. Legolas holds out his arms. "Come on!"Aragorn and Frodo jump. Legolas grabs hold of Aragorn, Boromir of Frodo, As they run down the remaining staircase, the part of the staircase they were standing on collapses completely, falling into the chasm.

They run onto another room. The whole place is now in flames. "Over the Bridge!" Gandalf shouts as the flames grow higher, he waits for the others to pass. "Fly!" They run past Gandalf, who turns towards the growing flames. From out of the midst of the flames a great black, winged creature with a horned head appears. He roars at Gandalf, breathing fire from his mouth. It walks after them with great strides, as one by one, the Fellowship cross the narrow bridge, Gandalf taking up the rear. Half way across the bridge, he stops and turns to face the Balrog

"You cannot pass!" Gandalf shouts at the beast. They look at Gandalf in horror. "Gandalf!" The balrog stretches its wings and draws itself up to full height in front of Gandalf. Pippin gasps tightening his grip on Tari.

"I am the Servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Anor." The balrog reaches down and draws its sword in front of Gandalf, and holds it high above its head. "The dark fire will not avail you." He holds out his staff in front of him, glowing white. "Flame of Udn!" The balrog brings its sword down upon Gandalf who protects himself with his staff, bringing a crash and flash of great light. It drops its sword and roars at Gandalf

"Go back to the shadow!" The balrog puts out a cloven foot onto the bridge. He wields a great firey whip above its head. "You shall not pass!" He raises his sword and staff above his head and brings his staff down hard upon the Bridge.

The balrog snorts at him, raises his whip and takes another step forward. As he does so, the Bridge collapses and the balrog falls into the chasm. Gandalf grunts and turns to walk away. As he does so, the tail end of the balrog's whip snakes up and around his ankle, dragging him down. He clings onto the edge of the bridge. Frodo dashes towards him, but Boromir holds him back.

"No!" Boromir says holding Frodo. "Gandalf!" he yells.

Gandalf tries to hold on by his fingertips. He looking at the Fellowship one last time. "Fly you fools!" His fingers slip, he falls into the chasm. The hobbits yell and sob, Aragorn and Legolas stare in defeat, The Fuer brothers hold back Sam and Merry, Tari holds Pippin as his little body shakes with sobs. Frodo struggles against Boromir who is holding him.

"Aragorn!" Boromir yells as he takes Frodo and runs, Aragorn pauses. Then turns and runs dodging the arrows firing after him. They run outside, leaving Moria. The Fellowship all collapse heartbroken, the hobbits are crying, Legolas looks folorn, Boromir hugs a angry Gimli. Aragorn wipes his sword. The Fuers all stand to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Legolas! Get them up!" Aragorn shouts looking around franticly

"Give them a moment! For pities sake!" Boromir responds, rolling his eyes.

"He is right by nightfall this hills will be swarming with orcs." Callon said earing a look from Tari. Aragorn nodded. "We must reach the woods of Lothlrien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Tari get them up !" Aragorn reaches a tearful Sam and lifts him. "On your feet Sam" He pats him on the shoulder. Tari picks up Pippin, who places his head into her neck. Aragorn now leads the remaining Fellowship away from the rocky hills.

Authors Note

I know this chapter isn't as good as my others but its felt like forever since I published one I just wanted to get one out. Anyways I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!!

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