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Sanem POV

I had a wonderful dream, very bright and colorful. A cherry orchard bathed in the spring sun, a swing hanging from a thick branch, happy children running under the snowfall of pale pink petals, Can's smiling face and his own happy laughter. Can swings the swing and I take off, soar into the sky... My breath catches, I gasp with joy...

"Caan!" I'm trying to shout to my beloved... "Caan!" I shout even louder, but my voice is drowned in the happy laughter of the children... "Caaaan!" my own scream wakes me up, leaving fragments of a happy dream somewhere at the bottom of my consciousness. A sharp pain pierces me and I scream without controlling myself: "Caaan!"

I shook my head to wake up my brain and get rid of the remaining sleep. I need to calm down... With another attack of sharp pain, I remember that I am in a clinic and calm down a little. Can is sleeping on the sofa, curled up in three positions. My poor husband spends his third night in the clinic, refusing to go home because he doesn't want to leave me alone.

Still, we are a strange family; during the day he tormented me with his attention so much that I was even afraid to take an extra breath. And now, when I really need his attention, I can't shout to him. Angrily, I grab the pillow and, with all my strength, throw it towards the sofa.

"Caaaan!" I scream with all my strength, looking with my eyes for something else to throw at this unscrupulous one!

"Sanem?" I finally managed to wake him up, although I was probably happy too early. He sat down and stared at me senselessly batting his eyelashes... With his long, beautiful eyelashes!!

"Caaan! It's coming!" through clenched teeth I push out another portion of scream.

"Who is coming?" my husband was finally confused.

"It started!" I growled, poking myself in the stomach. It took him just one second to rethink the words he had heard and, flying up from the sofa, rush somewhere into the corridor.

"Where are you going..." but I didn't have time, he had already disappeared behind the door. Bear! Savage! He left me alone and ran away somewhere! Run, of course run! It's not you who's hurting! You're not having contractions! Still grumbling, I somehow reached the button to call the medical staff and another contraction threw me back onto the bed. I feel the bed getting wet underneath me...

"Can Divit! If you don't come back now, I'll die! Can, I'm scared! Please come back!"

"I'm here, my only one," my husband's frightened voice penetrates my consciousness, clouded by pain, and I understand that I was addressing him out loud.

"Why did you leave me?"

"I ran after the doctor" holding me close to him, he began to sway from side to side, trying to calm us both down.

"There's a call button," I reproached, swallowing tears and snuggling even closer to him.

"Sorry, my love, I can't think at all when I see you in this state..."

"Aah..." I don't hear him, I'm in terrible pain and I want everything to end quickly. Ah, Sanem, ah! After all, the guy warned you, said that he didn't want to go through this anymore... He asked, begged... Why are you so disobedient! Why did I put myself and him in this position...

"Can, I'm sorry..." I puffed through clenched teeth, trying to cope with another attack of pain. I regretted that I had subjected him to such trials again, although at the same time I did not regret the step I had taken. Just a little bit more and my girl will be born and will illuminate our lives even brighter.

This time it was really different. No painkillers, no surgery, and a lot of pain.

"You will give birth yourself," the doctor gave his verdict and, out of ignorance, I nodded in agreement. But after ten minutes, feeling how my body tensed in anticipation of the next contraction, and then folded in half from pain, I regretted the haste of my decision. I should have listened to Can and not kicked him out the door when he was arguing with the doctor and demanding that I have a caesarean section. But, as always, I overestimated my strength and now I'm paying the price...

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