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By the time you had met with Satoru, you and Shoko had done a round of shots.

The pregame at her dorm never got to happen due to how long she had taken. She mentioned bringing the bottle out as you were leaving but you had to remind her how awful that idea was.

"What took you so long? You're half naked." Shoko scrunched up her nose in disgust as she took in Satoru's costume. She knew it was hypothetical to do but she wasn't Satoru's biggest fan anyways.

"I had to make sure everything was perfect," Satoru smirked as he placed his hands on his hips. You were nearly glad knowing what he was getting at.

The whole point of his costume was to reel in women. He knew he wasn't ugly, even you knew that too so he didn't truly need the costume. The costume itself was a bonus.

Who would be able to resist him dressed like that?

"You're gross, let's leave him." Shoko grabbed your arm.

"Shoko, you can't steal my friend from me." Satoru pouted.

"I think it's safe to say, you should stay solo tonight. What will the ladies think if two of the hottest people here are standing next to you?"

"Shoko's right. They'd be intimidated." You nodded along with Shoko.

His ego was already too big and you often used that to your advantage. Why not boost your own while you are at it?

"Whatever!" Satoru rolled his eyes as he shoved you and Shoko away playfully.

Shoko giggled as she dragged you away.

"You think you'll find someone tonight?" She asked you.

"You just want to make sure you'll have time for Utahime."

"Not true! I want my friends to also have fun." Shoko defended herself.

"I'll have fun even alone so don't worry about me. I'll be cheering for you and Utahime." You wrapped your arm around hers. Shoko grinned as she leaned into your side.

"We need to hang out more." She gushed.

Shoko was right, it was a little depressing only confiding in one friend. Not that you hated Satoru but it wouldn't hurt to extend to another friend. Especially one that Satoru had already known.

You stood around with Shoko for a little longer until Utahime came. Instead of joining you pushed off Shoko so she could make her move. You were staying true to your words.

She promised to find you the second she was done speaking to Utahime but you brushed it off.

Shoko thanked you as she made her way over.

Suguru spotted you from across the room. This time you weren't wrapped Shoko but alone. He wondered how you had even managed to befriend her.

He didn't want to think about it so he shook out the thoughts from his head. Suguru came over to your side.

Your mouth opened slightly to address him but you didn't. You closed it shut as you stared up at him. It had barely been a few minutes since Shoko had left and now you weren't alone anymore.

"I thought you weren't coming?" Suguru took in your costume. You were wearing a vampire costume. From the back, the dress ended before it could even fully cover your ass.

Suguru had decided to approach you based on just that. But now that he was in front of you, he realized the back wasn't even the best part.

Your cleavage was practically seeping out of the dress, the low plunge neckline barely covered anything. With the fake blood dripping down your chin and down your chest, he realized going up to you was the best decision he had made all night.

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