Getting everything situated

Start from the beginning

Ryukyu:Everything is going to be okay

Izuku was confused but he realized that they didn't know

Izuku:Ryukyu I don't think you understand

Ryukyu:izuku I understand you are upset but it's okay

Izuku:No seriously...Ryukyu Urakaka is innocent

Ryukyu:What are you talking about that  impossible she was working with all for one she a traitor

Izuku:She indeed was but there was a bigger picture than that Ryukyu but please listen to me okay

Ryukyu:Okay I'm listening

Izuku then explained the whole story to Ryukyu she was confused because she didn't know what to think about this because it was hard to believe

Ryukyu:Izuku I don't know what to say it hard to believe that story how do I know that we can trust her

Then Awaiza and Sir Nighteye came inside

Awaiza: It's the truth Ryukyu She was innocent

Sir Nighteye:It's the truth Ryukyu She is innocent Yes she had no choice she is pardoned for her crimes

Ryukyu:But Why?

Sir Nighteye: She was indeed working for all for one But she was forced to work for him otherwise he would Have done terrible things if she had refused

Izuku:See Ryukyu

Ryukyu:We'll then I'm sorry Izuku when I first heard of the news I was furious but I thought of you and we I heard you were in the police station I quickly came down...Camie wanted to go but I told her to stay everyone was worried

Izuku:I'm glad but don't worry I'm fine I'm just afraid about the other seeing her on sight

Ryukyu:Especially Katsumi and Shoka those two would kill her if they hear

Izuku:I'm not worried about those two the person you be afraid of is Camie

Ryukyu:Camie but why her?

Izuku:Bae please listen I grew up with her I know what she is capable of she would whoop your ass and Tell your mom she did it and beat your ass again in front of your mom

Ryukyu:Damn well what are we going to do?

Izuku:Hmm I have an idea

Ryukyu:What is it?

Izuku:I got this but just know it going to be some crazy stuff going down so if you don't want that to happen please come ok

Ryukyu:OK for you and I don't want anyone getting hurt okay

Izuku:Alright I feel you

After that they convinced Principle Nezu to let Urakaka come inside but if she protected at all costs and watched

After a while, Izuku finally went back to
UA and the Dorm rooms and he realized that even class 2b was inside the weird dorm room but he didn't care that much

Pony:Hey Izuku back

Which immediately caught everyone's attention

Katsumi:Bae your back...Are you ok

Denki:Bro are you ok

Izuku:Yeah I'm okay man thank you for asking

Sero:Izuku I know it must've been hard to find out like this

Izuku:Yeah I didn't want to find out like this but It's okay

Lida:Izuku where is Urakaka now is she in jail or questioning?

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