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Me and 2 friends, Ricky and Danny, were smoking the weed we snuck inside the cell in the bathroom, when we heard the cell open.

Me and my druggie friends immediately looked behind, expecting a new cellmate.

I peeked out the bathroom for them, and I saw a girl get thrown in violently by the cops. I shut the door right after, so the smoke won't escape the door.

I looked at my friends with the "Dude, What the fuck" eyes. "What happened back there?", Ricky asked. "We have a new cellmate...", I said. They were both shocked. "She's a girl too!", I said, making their jaws drop. "Is she fine?", Asked Danny. "I don't know man, I only saw her get thrown in. I don't have a clear look of her yet.", I answered.

We tried to chase the smoke away, as we hide our weed bag, so we can check out the girl.

Once the evidence was clear, we ran out the bathroom to see the girl.

Uhhh? What? Is this even a woman?

She was a girl with red hair, a wolf cut, a huge slit on her face, a bruised eye, huge biceps, and a bunch of tattoos. Is she transgender? Damn. I'm gonna like this.

"Man, I thought it was a girl?", Asked Danny. "Uhh... I don't know man... I think she's trans...", I said. "Oooh. This is going to be fun.", Ricky said with a wide grin. What are they gonna do?

We were soon fighting who was gonna approach her first. None of us wanted to, we were all scared. She looked devious. Once I walk up to her, she's gonna beat the shit outta me. We noticed her fists too. They were scarred and shit. I'm not going near that fucker.

It was all fun games, 'til they pushed me out so I can be the first one to approach her. My blood rushed in my veins. I got so nervous. I was literally shaking. My friends were laughing the shit out of themselves behind me.

The girl slowly looked up to me with her blue predator eyes. I could tell she was gonna to something to me. I started backing up. "Uhh, I- I... I'm s-sorry... I won't... Bother you a-again...", I said, stuttering in fear. I could tell by her eyes, she was raging.

The next thing I knew, she stood up. I ran the fuck out that cell, back to the bathroom. I've never ran so fast in my life. Thankfully, my homies let me in. Fuck them.

I was shaking. "What happened yo?", Ricky asked. "She got so mad. I don't know what to do. We can't just stay here forever.", I answered.

Soon enough, we heard loud aggressive banging on the door. We hugged and held on eachother, sweating, shaking, shivering like babies. "Open this motherfucking door, you little assholes... Or I will...", A heard a deep voice of a woman. Mommy voice 😣 my weakness~

"MAN, I'M SORRY, PLEASE YO, I DON'T WANNA DIE YET, PLEASE, LEAVE US ALONE", Danny pleaded. The banging stopped. "I knew she'd listen to me 😜", Bragged Danny. Me and Ricky rolled our eyes in jealousy.

After a 20 minutes, we started feeling light headed. We needed to get out of the bathroom before we fucking suffocate. My claustrophobic ass can't handle this shit.

My homes made me check if the girl was still there. She was sleeping like a baby on one of the bunks. "The lion fell asleep.", I said. We laughed silently to not wake the lion up.

stupid one shitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora