The Rising of the Sword Hero part 13

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When Motoyasu and Malty arrived, the village was already bathed in blood.

The rebellion broke out so suddenly and quickly the knights couldn't even react. Most of them, at that time, had been lying wasted at the inn, or had been sleeping without any care about the world. None of them was prepared for such a sudden assault, and eleven among the fifty knights Malty brought to the village had perished or disabled under the weapons of the villagers.

However, as unprepared as they were, the knights were still professional soldiers who had been trained in the military. They were taught how to handle situations like this. And different from the villagers, they had access to better weapons, and most important of all, skills and magic, which the villagers had no way to have. After they managed to regain their balance, they started pushing the villagers back with an incredible vigor to protect their own lives, and soon, it was the villagers' turn to fall under their blades. The sound of blades slashing flesh open and screams of pain echoed everywhere around the settlement.

Motoyasu was horrified seeing the scene in front of him. There was no such event in his game when he got his own fief there, so why... why was this happening? Why were all these people killing each other?

There you are, Demon Witch, Spear Devil. We were wondering when you would show up."

The pair turned toward the direction of the voice. The militia captain was advancing toward them, together with a dozen of his soldiers. All of them shared the same murderous glares on their faces. Malty shrieked.

You! It's you who was the mastermind behind this!"

Yes, I am," Zarathus answered her in a deathly calm voice. "So?"

"I'm going to have you all executed for this!" the princess screeched like a banshee. She drew the sword at her waist and charged Zarathus, but with a very simple movement, the captain stopped her blade dead in place with his own sword. He growled.

You know what? We're already dying here, so at least before we perish, we should take some of your lives together with us into the grave!"

Then he swatted Malty aside as if she was just a fly. The princess flew a few feet into the air and disappeared into a bush nearby with a "thud", sending leaves flying everywhere.

Forward!" Zarathus bellowed, waving his sword, and his soldiers responded with a cheer and started rushing toward the direction the princess had just been thrown to.

Stop that!" Motoyasu jumped into the way. He brandished his Legendary Spear with his trembling hands. "Why are you doing this?! What did we even do to you? Lightning Spear!"

The bolt of electricity shot out of the Spear's tip toward the group of soldiers, but these guys weren't the same as the mindless monsters he had killed during the Wave. They were also soldiers trained to protect the village, and they had been through a lot of battles. Most of them perceived the skill being formed immediately and sidestepped it before it was even launched. Only the two youngest and least experienced ones were hit by the attack, and it didn't even do that much damage to them anyway; they just fell to the ground twitching and spasming, clearly winded but definitely not dead.

Zarathus closed the distance between him and Motoyasu in a single bound. His sword drew an arc in the air, aiming to split his opponent in half vertically, forcing the Spear Hero to withdraw his spear to block. The two weapons clashed against each other with a nasty "clang" noise.

You ask what you did to us," the captain growled when putting more strength into his arms, trying to push Motoyasu down. "Then I'm going to tell you. It's because the only thing you've brought to us since you arrived here was misery!"

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