The rising of the Sword Hero part 4

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It had been a week since Rifana joined his party and zoro still didn't know what to think about it. It went against his moral code to let a child, close to a battlefield.

(Flashback - A Week Earlier)

We are going to set out in the morning and I need to ask this. Is there anywhere you want me to take you? People you can stay with?" zoro asked this hopefully, even if he knew the answer.

Rifana looked down, a sad look on her face, confirming what he thought.

I... see." He followed his own statement.

Zoro 'If I understand it right, when people are in a party together they grow more powerful based on killing monsters.

Then I will teach her the way of the sword to defend herself.

Rifana, would you like to travel with me? At least until you have a place to st-"

I would love to travel with you!" She cut him off in an excited voice.

Maybe a little too excited.

He quickly recovered from his surprise, "Well then, welcome to the team.

At the conclusion of that sentence, another pop up appeared in his vision. 'Rifana has joined your party.' Along with this, something new was added to his vision.

In the top right of his vision his and Rifana's names appeared. Under the names were thin red, green, and blue bars. Next to each of their names was a number preceded by the letters 'LV'.

He guessed that meant level.

Next to Rifana was level one. It made sense really. Zoro was more confused about his own level though.

I am level 110


His own level was still confusing to him, but after thinking about it he found some sense in it. Ever since I got here I had been killing monsters nonstop before and after I meant Rifana I gust never noticed.

Even then, he didn't know if his level was considered powerful compared to the average adventurer in this world.

As for training Rifana, that was going good. Zoro had started to train her on the ways of the sword I even been teaching her about haki.

She was rather confused on haki but after I demonstrated armament haki. She was in awe in seeing his blades glow black and seeing him cut down a large rock with no effort.

Rifana wanted to learn how to use armament haki and any other types of haki.

Over the past week she was able to get the basics of armament haki and Observation haki . It turns out that Rifana is pretty skilled in Observation haki since she can sense enemies from miles away.

She wasn't near zoro level but she was on her way. Speaking of level though...

Zoro glanced at Rifana, who was walking beside and a little behind him. She had grown to level 14 during the week, according to the hud, and the change was very obvious.

Not only had she gained weight and muscle mass, making her look a lot healthier, but she had physically grown. No, grown was the wrong word. She aged.

It was strange beyond belief for the swordsman but while the girl was 10 years old she looked to be around 14-15 years old. It basically happened overnight. One day she was normal, then the next day zoro realized that she had outgrown her clothes.

Her hair was still cropped short, but it was cleaner and better kept. She also walked with a bit more pep, her eyes livelier than when he found her. While her clothes were resized, the color was changed, leading to her now having a light tan shirt and tan combat boots. The pants were kept black. He did give her a spare jacket which was of course black.

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