The Rising of the Sword Hero Part 12

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Motoyasu opened his eyes. The sunlight shone brightly through the windows of his room in the royal castle, bathing the chamber in a bright, warm honey color. It was a very nice day for adventuring.

However, the Spear Hero didn't have any interest in traveling or adventuring right now. What happened at the blacksmith's had been haunting him in his mind for five days straight, and whenever he closed his eyes to sleep, that nightmare immediately returned at full force, hammering his head so badly he couldn't even fall asleep.

He had had so much fun since the day he arrived in this "game". Slaying monsters and evildoers, doing quests, receiving the cheers and applauses of the NPCs, they were everything that he had always wished that he could do for real when he played the same game before he was murdered by his two yandere girlfriends. And he had slain a lot of enemies, animals, monsters, brigands, thieves, and gained EXP and money from them, just like he did in the game, without even a single thought. They just fell under his Legendary Spear quickly and easily, just like they always did in his game. After all, they were just mindless NPCs, beings made from bits of data, randomly spawning in front of him as obstacles on his way; no one would even care if he killed them for EXP to increase his levels.

But now... after that incident at the weapon shop...

The way that girl with the sword of the Sword Hero's party looked at him was downright terrifying. Motoyasu had always been adored by every girl he met before; he had never seen any girl looking at him with that hateful glare full of pure, genuine anger. No computer could simulate emotions that vividly and realistically, Motoyasu knew that for sure. It could only mean that whatever zoro told him at the store was the truth, and he really did insult the death of an honorable man who sacrificed himself to protect the world.

And that also meant... the monsters, animals... and people... he had killed before since he arrived in this world... he had actually taken real lives. Of other human beings, no less. No matter what kind of legendary hero people hailed him to be, Motoyasu was still just a normal twenty-one-year-old student, and there's no way he's ready to face the truth that he's going to have to kill people, and had already done so a lot of times without even a blink of an eye. Because if he accepted that, it would mean that he's a murderer and a psychopath, just like zoro had told him straight to the face.

The first time that dream appeared during his sleep, he had jumped out of his bed to puke everything he had eaten that day out. He didn't want to accept that truth. It's way easier to just think that he's still in a game. But no matter how hard he tried to force himself to think so, the truth was still there, glaring at him with its harsh, inquisitive eyes.

What should he do now...?

A knocking sound at the entrance of the room snapped him back to reality.

Lord Spear Hero, are you awake? Breakfast is ready at the dining room; Princess Malty is waiting for you to join her."

Right. Myne. He still had her, and she was someone close to him... He believed in her...

Okay! I'm coming!"

Good morning, Motoyasu-sama~"

Myne greeted him at the breakfast table with her usual sweet and beautiful smile. Sitting on both sides of hers, as usual, were Lesty and Elena, who waved at him with their own smiles when he entered the room.


"Hm? Where is Rino-chan?"

Rino was the last girl in Motoyasu's party. Even though she was neither from a noble family nor as pretty as the three other girls, her endearing personality was just so precious. And she's usually very punctual; missing a party gathering like this was so strange of her.

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