The Rising of The Sword Hero part 5

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Melromarc was the same as zoro remembered it. Even if he didn't explore much of the city when he arrived. The streets were filled and business was going on as usual. The swordsman would have gotten lost if Rifana wasn't with me.

It had been a week since the Cerberus incident and he step up Rifana's training since then.

She has mastered the basics of armament haki. But she is very skilled in observation haki. She had told me that in one of her fights she saw a bit in to the future.

Zoro explained that if you been in more fights against stronger opponents you see more in to the future.

She was in awe and asked how far in the future. To swordsman knowledge five minutes he explained.

This made her more motivated than ever to train by zoro's side.

She is now level 40 and her body grew to match. Standing just under his height, she looked to be around the age of 20, though she was only 10. She wore much the same, but there were a few differences she had outgrown most of her clothes .

That was one reason they had come to town. To be frank, she needed a bra and other womens underwear. They had already made that stop though.

They stopped by the magic shop as well at the request of Rifana as they stepped through and into the shop.

It looked simple enough. The walls were colored the same greenish-blue as the walls outside but the floor remained the color of the wood it was made of and there was a staircase leading up to the second floor. Thin ropes with small herbs hung from the ceiling. Cabinets covered in odd trinkets ranging from scales to a cauldron filled the room. In the center of the room was a desk with a few papers, a book, a small display stand, and a weird looking globe. There was also what looked like a crystal ball on the table.

Behind the table however, there was a woman. She appeared old, though not terribly old, only around 40-45. Her brown hair was cut short, just reaching her shoulders. Her purple eyes seemed to match the earrings she wore, those having a ring of gold on them. Simple looking purple robes are what she wore, even if the cuffs of her sleeves were gold in color. Over this, mainly around her neck, was a small purple cape. On her head was a purple witch's hat that reminded zoro of something he once saw in a children's book.

She spoke up when she saw zoro "Welcome, Sir Hero. Take a look around and tell me if you need anything."

Zoro looked at her and said How do you know I'm one of the heroes?

The witch chuckled, I just guessed based on your swords they are quite unique."

He looked himself over, "I guess I do stand out." He mumbled before going up to her and got straight to the point, " my companion here want to learn what type of magic she can use.

She smiled, "Yes, there is in fact a way. Just have your friend stand still and I'll tell you magic affinities she has. the witch put her hand on her crystal ball.

The ball glowed faintly, not quite casting a light but still noticeable.

Hmm," The witch started, "It seems like she has two affinites not terribly uncommon.

Rifana's affinities included wind and lightning magics. They bought grimoires for each and moved to find their next goal. One that was proving a tiny bit difficult considering what he was trying to find.

But with the help of one of the guards, one of the many he asked, he finally had a start.

Have you seen one of the other heroes?" This was zoro 's question, the one he had been asking for half the day.

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