The rising of the sword Hero part 1

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After a dinner provided by the king and his staff the woman led them to four rooms in the same hall all next to each other. As soon as she left though, the four of them decided to go into Motoyasu's room and talk about what was happening.

The rooms were all the same in design. They were fairly large and fancy. With a lavish bed with red curtains was on the side of the room. A few feet away, on a large carpet, was a small table surrounded by two red chairs and a red couch.

Motoyasu was sitting on the bed cross legged and his spear was over his shoulder. Zoro was leaning on the dresser with his sword strapped to his side of his waste. Naofumi sat on the red couch, shield still strapped to his arm. Itsuki was next to the door, shifting the bow in his left hand.

Motoyasu leaned forward on his knees while smiling before continuing, "The girl who showed us here was a cutie pie, too."

dinner was pretty good, though it did taste a little odd." Naofumi added to Motoyasu's statement.

Hey," He started to ask, "Isn't this kinda like a game?"

Motoyasu laughed briefly at that before responding, "You mean it is one. It's exactly like Emerald Online."

Naofumi Huh? He said in a questioning tone, "What's that game?"

Itsuki this reminds me of a console game I used to play.

A clang of metal was heard as Motoyasu banged the end of his spear on the ground, "Let's sort out the information we have."

He then addressed zoro and Naofumi, "You guys get what that means too right?"

Naofumi was the first to respond after placing his hands behind his head, "I've read about them in LNs, yeah."

Zoro said that he never heard or played of what called video games.

That's strange Motoyasu put his on his chin Just to be sure, let's check our general knowledge." He pointed upwards, "Who's the person on the thousand yen bill?"

'Yen?' The swordsman thought confused.

The spear wielder continued, "One, two..." He swung his spear forward.

Yawara Gotaro." "Yuda Masato." "Noguchi Hideyo." The three of them said at the same time.

They stopped before the air was filled with their voices again, "WHO?!"

It seems that they didn't notice that zoro didn't respond.

They kept spouting questions that the three of them had different answers to.

Your favorite voice actors?"

"Which countries won World War II?"

"Who's the Prime Minister?"

In the end they stood around the table while zoro was trying to figure out what are they saying none of this relates to the east,south and west blue. Not even the grand line or the new world. It's like they come from a different worlds. After words everyone went to bed except for zoro who was studying his Legendary  weapon and it's abilities. He picked up on of  swords and said at least I still can use my three sword style. Until his legendary sword transform into Enma this shocked zoro but he had grin on his face.

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