[>Chapter 4: Start Line!>]

Start from the beginning

But, I try to break it once in a while.

[5 minutes later]

" Geez, now I remember why I'm stuck at math and geography. I wish Kai and Sei were here to help me, huhu."
30 minutes later, most of my homework is already done and now I'm just scrolling through the blog post.

I'm on the website called [Aika news] and more things have happened in the past weeks or so.

More murder have occurred on the old street that I use to walk back to the orphanage.

This time, they found an unidentified body that seemed to be a young woman in her teen years.

There wasn't any identification card nor any that belong that can be related to the victim identity.

The blog wrote:

[ A body has been found on Sakuragaoka streets and it wasn't a pretty sight to see. The victims it seems that they were a young teen and it wasn't any normal murder case. The body was in burnt condition while it had 16 stabs on their body. Until now, the police are trying to gather any eye witness and anyone that has gone missing for the past 24 hour list.]

'This world is really reflecting on the real world, huh?

I hope I can get away as far as possible from that killer.'

*Drinking water*

'I also hope that boy isn't using that pathway but he's likely to use the streets. I'm just gonna pray for his safety.'

*Insert anime school bell*

"Time to go to the studio then..." As I pack my book and everything to go to my shoe locker.

{Location: neighboring town Shibuya,Time: 2:00 p.m.}

Now, I'm on my way to the studio because I need to practice for the upcoming event.

A few days ago, I was discussing with president Saitou about the debut stuff. It was then that he decided to drop more information to me about the debut.

[Memories reload...]

{A few days ago at the office in the strawberry studio}

" But president saitou, I haven't even met Ai yet. The one I've been practicing with was Takamine, Nino, Watanabe and the other three new members, Ari, Kyun and Mei.

How am I supposed to be compatible with her during performance?" As I sat down at the office chair.

" Well, I can't do anything cause Ai schedule is different from you. I can't change anything because of her activities as an idol.

But I can trust you both to be compatible with each other rather than the other members." As he told me back.

'It is impossible to be compatible if the both of us haven't even met yet! It's not logically possible and it's going to make me panic over it!'

"Don't let your pretty little head worry about this. I'm sure it's gonna be just fine, hahahaha!"


[Memories ended...]

[Location: Strawberry studio]

I was stretching while the other was talking and resting after they were done with their choreography.

' I swear that the president is a devil incarnate in this world! Like how is that logical for him to think about?!

What is he thinking in that head of his?!

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