Part 11: I had the exact same way

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Miguel looks away, Miles turn to everyone and asks, "When does it happen?"
"In two days." Miguel replies, "when he's sworn in." He then looks at Miles.
LYLA then appears and says, "That's what the model says."
Miles then looks astonished about the news as his breathing starts to quicken.
"I'm sorry, Miles." Miguel replies.
"Send me home." Miles says fast as he looks up at Miguel with a scared look.
"I can't do that. Not now." Miguel replies, Gwen closes her eyes.
"What am I supposed to do? Just let him die?" Miles says raising his arms.
Miguel gives Miles a look which most means 'yes' as Miles looks at him with a disbelieved look.
"What about your dad. He's a captain, right?" Miles asks turning to Gwen.
Gwen opens her eyes and says "yeah" after some silence.
"And that's it?" Miles asks loudly, "You just aren't gonna do anything about it?" Miles says again in disbelief.
Gwen blinks and then looks down with sadness as she stays quiet.
"Okay, what about Uncle Ben?" Miles asks, "That have been okay if you knew and you just let it play out?" Miles says as he turns to Peter.
Peter puts a hand on Miles's shoulder as he says, "If not for Uncle Ben, most of us wouldn't be here, Miles."
"And all the good we did, it...It wouldn't have been done." Peter says to Miles.
Miles nods his head slightly before saying, "So we're just supposed to let people die because some algorithm says that's supposed to happen?" Miles says with anger as he looks up at Peter before pushing Peters's hand away from his shoulder.
"You realize how messed up that sounds, right?" Miles says.
More Spider people start to join in to the whole conversation.
"You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world." Miguel says putting a finger up.
"Every world." Miguel finishes as he tries to keep eye contact with Miles.
"I can do both. Spider-Man always-" Miles says before being cut off by Peter.
"Not always." Peter says with a sad look in his eyes.
"Miles, we all want to live the life we wish we had."Miguel says as he puts a hand on Miles's shoulder to only have Miles turn around with a slight angry and disappointed face and moving his arm that makes Miguel move his hand.
"Believe me, I have tried." Miguel says, "And the harder I tried, the more damage I did."
"You can't have it all, kid." Miguel finishes.
Miles looks around to see more Spider people inside the room.
"Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice." Miguel states to Miles.
"That's the job. That's what you signed up for." Miguel says, his face with seriousness.
"Miles." Said a girl in a robot which reveal to be Peni Parker who looks depressed.
"Peni?" Miles says in some shock.
Miles looks around before saying, "What is this?"
"Is this an intervention or something?
"We know it's hard." A small and cartoon version of Spider-Man says.
"But it's the truth, Miles." The small Spider-Man continues, his hands on his hips.
Miles then turns to Peter and says, "Is that why you're here? To let me down easy?"
"It worked last time, why not run it back, huh?" Miles says with some anger.
"Hey hold on. Hold on." Peter says holding his hands up.
"You were right, Gwen." Miles says glancing his eyes at her.
"You should've never come to see me." Miles says as tears form in Gwen's eyes.
"Miles..." I say quietly, Miles then turns to me with the same angry face.
"No one wants to go through this, but it's something we can't control." I say calm but with grief.
"I had the exact same way." I say looking down a little before looking back at him.
"You don't understand anything." Miles says loudly at me.
I give him a look with sadness, "I've had your idea from a long time ago, but I can't change my life unless I had my power to." I say to him.
Miles angered look then softens a bit, "Kid, look at—" Peter says.
Making Miles's face go back to anger as he looks down, "Stop calling me that."
"There we go." Hobie says as he has his arms crossed.
"Hobie your not helping" Jess says as her arms are also crossed.
"Good." Hobie replies fast before glancing at me, as if he was saying to let Miles be free.
I look back to Hobie and soften my gaze and close my eyes thinking before opening my eyes again and nodding slightly at Hobie with a bit of determination in my eyes.
Hobie then smirks a bit before looking back at the situation.
"Miles, please understand." Peter says using his hands to gesture.
"You can't ask me to not save my father." Miles says as he turns to Miguel.
"I'm not asking." Miguel says as he throws some sort of trap under Miles.
"Just give him a second, please" Peter says towards Miguel.
"This is a great look." Hobie says sarcastically, "Don't! Stop it!" Gwen raises her voice at Miguel.
Miles has a scared look on his face as he bangs his hands on the trap.
"If we let him leave, he'll only do more damage. We both know that." Miguel says with some anger.
"Little man. Peter Pan. Palms." Hobie says holding up his hands.
I stand next to Hobie and the place my hands on the trap to demonstrate with a small smile.
Miles then looks at us both shocked before looking at his hands that are on the trap.
"Just need to hold you a few days. Sorry it had to end like this, kid." Miguel says as he turns away and walks away.
"I said not to call me that!" Miles says as he flats out his palms on the wall of the trap, closing his eyes as electricity breaks the barrier.
Everyone is blasted away from the force of the electricity.
Hobie chuckles a bit as I smile a little. Miles then turn his palms to himself and looks up at everyone before running away.

~see you in the next chapter pooks ✌🏽~

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