Part 1: Deal with it

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*beep* *beep* "are you kidding me?" I mumble annoyed with my thick accent as I bury my face into my pillow and try to sink out my loud ass alarm.
After a while it finally goes off, I sigh and go back to sleep but not even a minute later I hear the alarm again. I sit up, grab the alarm and throw it across my room.
"заткнись" I groan as I lay back down on my bed for a while before getting a notification from my watch, I grab my watch and put it on to see an hologram of Miguel in his suit.
"What do you want now?" I ask him impatiently, as he reply's with "We have a case of problems, come to headquarters quickly so I can discuss it with the rest of us " he said quickly and sternly before ending the call.
"мне не платят" I rub my face before getting up, going to my closet and putting on my suit and creating a portal and going through, to only be greeted by loud talking and footsteps echoing the headquarters.
I sigh, walking to Miguel's office, seeing Jess Drew, Ben Riley, and a small white girl with pink tips on her hair.
"Widow, this is Gwen Stacy, Gwen this is Widow and you will be under her wing since your only younger than her by a two months" I hear Miguel say while crossing his arms.
I stare at Gwen analyzing her frame before saying "This girl, why do I have to babysit a tiny teen, you can have Jess do it." I say sounding a little intimidating, also causing Gwen to be shocked about my accent.
"Because I'm telling you to take her under your wing, I'm not asking you to" Miguel says annoyed.
"Deal with it" I say even more annoyed before replying with, "Like I said I'm not some free babysitter unless you have an offer for me that's valuable to me, I'll do it but otherwise I won't do babysit".
I hear Miguel mumble under his breath before saying, "Fine, I'll let you come to work 50 minutes late and free food for a week, deal?.", I then think about it it and hum and reply with,"чертовски хорошее предложение" I then reply with "deal, but if you complain just remember it was your offer not mines."
"I will call you in later to talk about our other problems in a few hours so I recommend to let Gwen what she needs to know." I hear Miguel say.
I then look at Gwen at say, "Let's go girl so you know everything", before hearing her mumble, "okay" and walking with me to the training room.
"Okay girl, what you good at?, can you turn invisible, make poison?", Only for her to stay quiet before saying, "nothing special, just the regular sticking to walls and stuff." While looking away constantly.
"Well girl, I'll teach you what I've learned and you will accomplish the goal, okay?".
I hear her say, "yes" as I nod my head expecting her to get all of the things I knew as fast as possible but I would go easy on her for a while.
I hear Gwen say, "I know you go by Widow, but what's your actual name?".
I cross my arms as I reply with, "Names Y/n L/n now let's get back to work girl."

~Timeskip 1 hour later~

I hear my watch ring as it opens it reveal Miguel, I ask him, "What now, I'm training the girl?".
"Come to my office so I can discuss our other problems now".
I sigh, "I'll be back girl, continue focusing on your technique" before walking to Miguel's office.
I see Miguel going through his files, "You called Hoe?" I cussed at him blankly.
He turned to me looking angry that I called him hoe, I reply "it's a joke мужчина".
He grumbles before replying with, "one of our problems is a creation or villain called The Spot, and our other problem is who the kid who caused it..".
I stifle a laugh before replying with, "A kid made The spot?, who?".
He then says, "Miles Morales from Earth-616 and who is mistakenly a Spider-Man" with annoyance and with a hint of anger.
"And the fuck you think your going to do because I don't get payed for this shit."
"I'll inform you when I have a are dismissed" Miguel says, I then leave going back to the training room with Gwen.

~Timeskip 3 months later~

I nod at Gwen, proud of her progress as she proved her worth and trying to learn fast which was not achieved but she still learned it.
"Good job Gwen, you've made some very good progress" I said to her as she smiles at me.
"Go have a break, you deserved it girl." I say before her nodding at me and leaving the training room to take her break.
I then go get a drink from the cafeteria, because I can and ask for ice tea.
I then get a notification from Miguel as I groan and mumble, "у меня не может быть перерывов, когда я чертовски работаю" as I turn on my watch to reveal Miguel and saying "You can have a day off, Ben will cover for you" before shutting off the watch.
I silently celebrate as I open a portal to my world as I drink my ice tea.

~See you in the next chapter pooks ✌🏽~

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