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"Scamp?" Angel asks as she and Alexis are walking and see Scamp in the dog catcher's vehicle.

"Alexis, Angel!" Scamp shouts.

"Scamp!" Alexis shouts as she and Angel chase the vehicle.

"Get outta here! He'll get you too!" Scamp shouts.

"Come on Angel." Alexis shouts as she and Angel run off.


"Thank goodness we found you." Angel shouts as she and Alexis find Tramp outside a house.

"You gotta come! Hurry! Scamp's in trouble!" Alexis shouts

"Scamp?!" Tramp shouts as he follows Alexis and Angel.

"He's in the pound!" Angel shouts.


"They need help." Angel says as she and Alexis see the dog catcher corner Tramp and Scamp.

"Oh no! Oh have mercy! Ah ha! Oh let- Oh let go!" The dog catcher shouts as Alexis and Angel bite him and cause him to knock himself out.

"Beautiful night huh?" Alexis asks.

"Nice to see you again there house pet." Angel says.

"Alexis? Angel? You came back!" Scamp shouts as he happily runs over to Alexis and Angel.

"Come on you three." Tramp says as the group leaves.


"Pop?" Scamp asks as the group stops outside the pound.

"Son." Tramp says as he looks at Scamp.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have run away." Scamp says sadly.

"Whirlwind maybe I was also being a little too tough on you. I don't see any harm in the two of us going down to the river once in a while to bay at the moon. Whaddya say?" Tramp asks.

"Really? You and me?" Scamp asks happily.

"Your old man's still got a few good howls left in him." Tramp says as two dogs come over.

"I found him. Oh I found him for sure! This time I found him!" An older dog says.

"Ach! You found nothing! Again! So far you've found 6 cats, 3 gophers, 2 rabbits..." A smaller dog says.

"Aw go easy on him Uncle Jock." Scamp says.

"No I'll not go easy on him Scamp! 5 flyin' pigs, a wildebeest- Ach! Scamp?!" Jock asks as he sees Scamp.

"Why it is Scamp!" The older dog says.

"Aye! I'll never hear the end of this one either." Jock says.

"Ready to go home Whirlwind?" Tramp asks.

"Not quite Pop. There's one last thing I gotta take care of." Scamp says.


"Do my eyes decieve me?! Hey Scamp! Scamp-a-doodle you escaped the Pound!" Buster shouts as the group arrives at the junkyard.

"Yeah no thanks to you!" Scamp says angrily as he goes over to Buster.

"Hey come on. You know our motto." Buster says.

"You can keep your motto but not this. I'm going home where I belong." Scamp says as he puts his collar back on.

"That's it Scamp. Home is where you belong." Alexis says as she and Angel smile happily at Scamp.

"About time he figured it out." Angel says as she chuckles.

"So long Buster!" Scamp says as he throws some trash towards Buster.

"Hey ya missed Scampalooza!" Buster shouts.

"Oh he didn't miss." Angel says as the junkyard pile falls onto Buster.

"That's my boy!" Scamp says happily.

"Lets go home pop!" Scamp says happily as he goes over to Tramp.

"I'll get- Come back here! You can't leave me here! You're nothing but a house pet!" Buster shouts.

"It's a good look for you Buster. The garbage adds some class." Angel says.

"Major upgrade Buster." Alexis says as she leaves with Angel


Later as the group returns to the house they begin barking getting the family to come outside.

"Good job boy. Oh Scamp. It's so good to have you back where you belong. Ew. You reek! You need a bath. But we'll worry about that later." A man says as he picks Scamp up before Scamp barks and hops out of his arms seeing Alexis and Angel turning to leave.

"Jim dear I think Scamp brought a couple of friends home." A woman says.

"Hey there girls. Come on. Come on girls. It's okay. Don't be afraid." Jim says as he kneels down.

"Come on guys. It's okay." Scamp says as Alexis and Angel both give nervous looks.

"I don't know." Angel says nervously.

"What if they don't like us?" Alexis asks.

"They will. It's okay. Come on." Scamp says as Alexis and Angel go over to Jim.

"Did you help our Scamp out on those lonely streets?" Jim asks as the woman places a child down.

"Oh! She's a little angel. And the other one is such a beauty." The woman says as Alexis and Angel happily interact with the child.

"Angel! Beauty!" The child shouts.

"Jim dear you don't suppose-" The woman then gets cut off by Jim.

"Oh no darling. We've got enough dogs as it is. You know we can't- No. No. Uh- Uh we can't. I- Oh what's the use? - Welcome to the family Angel, Beauty." Jim says.

"Angel, Beauty!" The child shouts happily.


Later at night as Alexis is sleeping in the living room she wakes up noticing Angel is not beside her and goes outside into the backyard and sees Angel looking up at the stars.

"Hey Angel. What's up?" Alexis asks as she goes over and sits beside Angel.

"Oh Alexis. I thought you were asleep." Angel says as she looks at Alexis.

"I was until I saw you weren't beside me anymore." Alexis says.

"Oh. Sorry." Angel says.

"No worries. So what's up?" Alexis asks curiously.

"It's nothing." Angel says as she looks away.

"Oh come on Angel. I know you better than that. What's on your mind?" Alexis asks.

"It's just I'm worried they'll kick us out. Everyone else did." Angel says as she looks down.

"I don't think they will. They're good people." Alexis says.

"Yeah. I hope that we finally found a home." Angel says.

"I think we have. But if I'm being honest to me anywhere is home as long as you're with me. You mean a lot to me and have been by my side since we met. To me it's not home without you." Alexis says as she smiles at Angel.

"I feel the same way about you. I'm glad we met. I really like you Alexis. A lot." Angel says as she smiles.

"I'm glad we met too. I'm also grateful to have you as a friend." Alexis says.

"I feel the same way but that feeling has grown stronger since I've known you. I don't wanna just be friends anymore. I want to be more than that." Angel says as she blushes.

"Really? Do you mean that?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Of course. I love you Alexis." Angel says as she smiles.

"I love you too Angel." Alexis says as she smiles.

We'll Be Together Lady And The Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure Angel X OC AlexisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя