Junkyard Dogs

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"Go Buster!" Mooch shouts as Buster and Sparky are playing tug o war with the dog catcher's hat.

"That a way Buster! Bust his butt off Buster!" Francois shouts.

"Go Sparky!" Alexis shouts as Sparky gets thrown away from the hat.

"So any of you other low life mongrels... think you're dog enough to take Buster on?" Buster asks as the others charge at him for the hat as Alexis goes over to Sparky.

"You alright Sparky?" Alexis asks concernedly.

"Yeah youngin. I might be old but I ain't going down that easy." Sparky says as Alexis smiles at him.

"That's right boys. Junkyard dogs rule this town! And Buster rules the junkyard dogs!" Buster shouts as the group howls before all stop howling and gather as they see the small grey house dog was howling with them before he notices the group.

"Hey, hey. Look here you guys. I'd say we got a new recruit." Sparky says.

"The little house dog." Francois says.

"Hey you got off the leash!" Mooch says happily.

"Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Watch it!" The dog says as Ruby sniffs him.

"Oh be still my heart. I'm gettin' a bad case of puppy love." Ruby says happily.

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey Ruby. I'm the top dog around here. And nobody joins the junkyard dogs unless I say so. So what's your name sport?" Buster asks as he comes over.

"Name's Scamp." The dog says proudly.

"Well howdy Scamperoo. So you saw us having some fun and thought you'd join right in huh?" Buster asks.

"Yeah. Sure." Scamp says happily.

"Hey I hate to break the news to ya champ... But not many house dogs get to run in this pack." Buster says.

"I'm not a house dog." Scamp says annoyedly.

"Oh you're not? Then what's this badge of respectability hangin' around your neck?" Buster asks as he gestures to Scamp's collar.

"No way! I've had it with the house dog life. Nothing there but rules, rules, rules. I want to be wild and free! Like you guys." Scamp says as he smiles at Buster.

"I don't know kid. Your average house dog ain't got what it takes." Buster says.

"Yeah. Tell him what it takes Buster! Tell him what it takes!" Mooch shouts as the group begins singing.

"What a blast! I'd never get away with this at home." Scamp says as he plays after the group quits singing.

"So you really think you got what it takes to be a junkyard dog huh?" Buster asks.

"He's got what it takes Buster. Alexis and Angel said they saw all his moves back in an alley." Angel says.

"Huh?" Buster asks.

"Yeah. We did." Alexis says.

"He's got some moves." Angel says as she and Alexis chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Watch this slick move." Scamp says as he tries to do a move and fails.

"Yeah. Talented as you are it ain't that easy sport." Buster says.

"Yep. It takes everything you've got to be out here." Alexis says as she goes over to Angel.

"Every day out here is like a test of survival." Angel says.

"A test! Beautiful!" Buster shouts as Angel goes over to him.

"Okay Scampers we'll give you a shot. But you gotta pass a little test of courage in Reggie's alley." Buster says as everyone looks at him.

"What?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"Reggie's alley?" Mooch asks.

"But it's never been done before." Francois says.

"Come here. Don't listen to them. I got faith in you kid. It's just a little test to prove you could stand on your own four paws." Buster says as he goes over to Scamp.

"Easy. I'm not afraid of anything." Scamp says determinedly.

"Foolish is more like it." Alexis says quietly.

"Yep. Looks that way." Angel says as she and Alexis shake their heads.

"That's what I like about you kid. You got spunk." Buster says.


"All right Scampster. Fetch the can out of the alley." Buster says as he lifts Scamp over the fence as the others laugh except for Alexis and Angel. As everyone is watching they soon see Scamp wake up Reggie before he runs off with Reggie after him.

"It's a spook! A spook!" Mooch shouts seeing something under a sheet.

"It's Reggie! Scatter!" Buster shouts as everyone scatters before Reggie busts through the fence. As Angel and Alexis are running she soon sees Scamp run past them with Reggie coming toward them causing Alexis and Angel to run beside Scamp as the three notice the dog catcher is now after them.

"I got you now you little hoodlum!" The dog catcher shouts as he holds his net.

"Scamp look out!" Alexis shouts as she pushes Scamp away from the net only to get caught instead.

"Alexis!" Angel shouts in alarm.

"Hey! Hey now get off of there! Whoa! What are you mad?" The dog catcher shouts as Scamp jumps and bites his net before it hits a pole sending Alexis and Scamp flying onto some bags of flour.

"You saved me. Nobody else would have done that. Except for maybe Angel." Alexis says as she and Scamp watch the dog catcher leave with Reggie.

"Well you shoved me out of the way first." Scamp says as Alexis smiles at him.

"Alexis are you okay!?" Angel asks in alarm as she comes running over to Alexis.

"Yeah. I'm okay Angel. Thanks to Scamp." Alexis says.

"You saved her. Thank you." Angel says as she looks at Scamp.

"You did everyone a big favor. Okay?" Mooch says as he and the others come over.

"Oui. You are practically the hero." Francois says as he kisses Scamp.

"Shouldn't we go after him or something?" Scamp asks.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. You got it all wrong kid. In the junkyard it's every dog for himself. I can see we're gonna have to put you to another test." Buster says.

"Any-Anything you say Buster." Scamp says.

"Will somebody open this thing?" Buster asks as he goes to a gate before Mooch opens it.

"Thanks again Scamp." Alexis says as she smiles at Scamp.

"You coming house dog?" Angel asks as Scamp followers her and Alexis.

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