The Truth Is Out

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"Front and center. Take a look out there. See that family?" Buster asks as the group is at the park.

"You- You mean that family over there?" Scamp asks as he looks at a family.

"No this family right here. Now as your final test I want you to infiltrate their picnic... and liberate their chicken... right out from under the nose of that meek little house dog." Buster says as he looks towards Tramp's family picnic.

"You don't have to prove anything Scamp. Just walk away." Alexis says as she and Angel go over to Scamp.

"Since when do you two care so much? " Buster asks angrily.

"Scamp you-" Angel then gets cut off by Buster.

"Pipe down and stay out of it! Both of you! Come on kid. You wanna be wild... and free don't you? All it's gonna cost you is one juicy chicken. Yeah I should've known. Once a house dog always a house dog." Buster says as Scamp hesitates.

"I'm no house dog!" Scamp shouts as he runs off toward the family.

"It's chow time boys!" Buster says as the other dogs attack picnics as Alexis and Angel watch.


"Oh aw ain't that beautiful? I think l'm gettin' all misty-eyed here." Buster says as the group finds Scamp with Tramp.

"I see you haven't changed a bit." Tramp says.

"So here we are again. Just like old times... before you turned your back on everything... that makes a dog a dog." Buster says.

"He says you walked out on him." Scamp says as he looks at Tramp.

"After I met your mother... I-l guess Buster just got jealous." Tramp says.

"You ditched me!" Buster shouts.

"I fell in love!" Tramp shouts.

"You made your choice! Now it's his turn to choose. Come on kid." Buster says as he looks at Scamp.

"You don't know what he's really like son. You're coming home." Tramp says sternly.

"You hear that kid? Daddy's telling you what to do again." Buster says.

"You don't belong here." Tramp says.

"And he's leading you back to a life on the chain. I'm offerin' you freedom." Buster says.

"Scamp!" Tramp says.

"Scamp! Make your choice kid." Buster says.

"He doesn't have a choice. I know what's best for him!" Tramp says sternly.

"No! You know what's best for you! Well I'm not you Dad! I'm a junkyard dog!" Scamp shouts as he goes over to beside Buster.

"That's my boy!" Buster says proudly.

"Oh Scamp." Alexis says sadly as she and Angel give sad looks.

"I guess there are some things you... have to learn on your own... When you've had enough... our door is always open." Tramp says as he leaves.

"House dog to the end. What'd I tell ya kid? You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Hey Scamp-skii this for all you've done kid. Ya did it kid. You're at the top of the peek now. A junkyard dog!" Buster says as he takes Scamp's collar off.


"I'm... I'm a junkyard dog." Scamp says.

"You made it to the pack!" Francois shouts.

"You're a doll!" Ruby says as the group heads begins walking.


"I'm a junkyard dog!" Scamp shouts as he plays around before stopping in front of Alexis and Angel.

"What is wrong with you?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Oh come on Alexis, Angel." Scamp says.

"He's your father you need to go after him. You're not like the rest of us. You're good and decent. Kind. The streets will beat that out of you if you stay!" Angel says pleadingly.

"Angel is right. It's not worth it." Alexis says pleadingly.

"But I made it! This is everything that I've ever dreamed of." Scamp says.

"Dreamed of what?! This?! You have a home and a family that loves you! You're not like the rest of us Scamp." Angel says as she breaks some bottles.

"She's right. You need to go home." Alexis says.

"Oh yeah. Yeah that's right. Let's see uh he's good and decent and kind. Is that it Scampy? You wanna be a widdle house doggie?" Buster asks as he mocks Scamp.

"No!" Scamp shouts.

"Good! Cause you know how I feel about house dogs!" Buster says angrily.

"Hey cut it out! Alexis and Angel are the ones who wants to be house dogs not me! Oh no. I didn't mean that!" Scamp says as Alexis and Angel give angry looks.

"Scamp!" Alexis says angrily.

"Is that true Angel baby? You too Alexis?" Buster asks as he looks at Angel and Alexis.

"I don't think a family's so bad." Angel says.

"Neither do I." Alexis says.

"You hear that boys? They want to be little house pets!" Buster says.

"Oh they want to be little house pets!" Francois shouts.

"Gonna wear ribbons." Mooch says.

"You ain't no junkyard dogs." Buster says.

"That's right Buster. I'm not. Not anymore. Oh and uh I'm not your girl." Angel says as everyone looks at her before she leaves.

"We'll never be junkyard dogs like you because that's not what we want to be. Maybe you're right Scamp. Maybe this is where you belong." Alexis says as she follows after Angel.


"I can't believe he did that." Alexis says angrily as she and Angel are walking beside a fence.

"Neither can I. We were fools to trust him." Angel says angrily.

"Someone's coming. Hide." Alexis says as she and Angel hide behind the fence and see Scamp.

"Alexis! Angel! Come on I didn't mean it. I don't know what I was thinking. Really. Where are you? I didn't mean it. I don't know what I was thinking. Really. Where are you?" Scamp asks as Alexis and Angel stay hidden and walk away.

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