30 1 1

Taehyung woke up feeling refreshed. There are many times he has thought of leaving the group, but many things stopped him. What would ARMY think? Would they support him leaving? How would his other bandmates feel despite not liking him? But this time feels different. Every part of him wants to go through with this, no matter the consequences.

He gets up from bed and quickly does his morning routine before getting dressed. He contemplates between staying in the dorm and eating breakfast with his members (knowing he would have to make his own food as the others always claim that they didn't make enough) or going to a cafe and eating there. He decides on the cafe.

He wears a sweater over his t-shirt and grabs his boots before heading downstairs. He trembles anxiously, knowing he'll have to pass the kitchen before getting to the front door. Hoping they'll ignore him, he strolls past and heads to the closet to grab his coat. Sitting down on the step, he immediately puts his boots on, and before he can stand up and put his jacket on, he hears the wooden floors creak behind him.

"Where are you going?" He hears a sharp voice behind him. Taehyung freezes and tries to figure out who it is. But after years of being verbally and sometimes physically tormented, all their voices eventually started to blend in. With no choice but to answer, he looks back. It's Hoseok.

Taehyung hesitates a little as he sees the others start to pile out of the kitchen and wait in the background. Like a bunch of snakes. He takes in a shaky breath, "I'm going out for breakfast," he says with an intimidating tone. Hoseok stares down at him with a peeved look on his face.

Taehyung already knows how this will go. So before he can say anything, he hurriedly puts his coat on and is out the door. Leaving the others behind in a sour mood, Jeongguk goes towards the door to do something to stop Taehyung, but Yoongi stops him. "It's not worth making a scene out in public. Just wait til he gets back." Annoyed, he hangs back, nods, and heads back to the kitchen.

"We're going to talk to him about last night and who he was with," Hoseok says with a dark tone lacing his voice.


Taehyung makes his way to a nearby cafe with a pep in his step. He pulls his mask out of his coat pocket and swiftly puts it on, hoping nobody recognizes him. As for his boost in energy, he's happy he stood up for himself. Usually, he cowered at whatever the other said and stayed put. But you can't tell him what to do if he isn't there to hear it. Now, don't get it wrong, he was still very much scared when confronted by the others. It took a lot of courage just to cut off Hoseok like that, especially since the others were nearby listening in.

He knows the repercussions his actions have caused, but that won't matter at the end of the day. Taehyung set up a meeting last night before he went to bed. He'll be meeting with Chairman Bang Si-Hyuk. It's currently 8 AM, and his meeting starts at 9:30 AM. He has a little time to hang out in the cafe before making his way to HQ.


After enjoying a fulfilling breakfast, he heads up to the counter to pay and then heads off. He goes over and over in his head how he'll tell the man who has founded the group that he will not be renewing his contract. Should he tell the truth and mention how his members have been treating him, or should he just lie and say that he feels like his time with BTS is done? Lying about his reason for leaving feels wrong, but telling the truth feels scary. What will the Chairman do to the others after he goes? Worst of all, how will the others retaliate?

He set his meeting at 9:30 for a reason. Because at 10 AM, the others will come in to sign their renewal contracts. Taehyung just needed 30 minutes alone with the Chairman so that the others wouldn't be able to talk over him. They had a way with words, and he didn't want to be made out to be the bad guy at the end of it all.

Making his way into HQ, he heads to the receptionist's desk to announce his presence before being led to the Chairman's office. Once he's in front of the office, he hesitates. He is briefly doubting his whole plan, but before he can basically shoot himself in the foot, he knocks.

He hears a muffled, "Come in." Opening the door, He sees Chairman Bang sitting at his desk with a broad smile. "He shuts the door and makes his way to a chair for visitors. "So what brings you here so early, Taehyung?" he says happily.

Taehyung shifts in his seat before saying what he needs to say, "I'm not going to renew my contract." He finally said it. It seems as if time has stopped, and the air feels stagnant. "W-what?" The Chairman stammers out. "Why?"

"During my time in the group, I haven't--," Taehyung pauses, wondering if he should tell the truth. The Chairman looks at him expectantly, waiting for his answer. "I haven't been treated the way I should treat a band member."

Taehyung looks down, embarrassed for letting them treat him like this and embarrassed for not saying something sooner. "They verbally and sometimes physically abuse me, and I can't do it anymore," Taehyung says with tears in his eyes. He looks up when he hears the Chairman sigh. "I wish you had told me this earlier, Taehyung. I wanted to create a safe space for everyone here no matter how big the company got." He says with a forlorn look in his eyes.

Taehyung feels the tears streaming down his face. He is relieved that somebody believes him and is willing to help him. In the past few years, he has lost friends when he told them what his beloved BTS members were actually like. Other idols started to look at him with disdain as they concluded that he was trying to tarnish their name and reputation. After all, the world of K-Pop is dog-eat-dog.

"Do you want to go to the press about this?" The Chairman asks. For some reason, he doesn't. They hadn't always treated him like it wasn't until they were more recognized in their home country and abroad that they started changing. Maybe he's still hanging on to the versions of them that loved him with all their hearts. He shakes his head no.

"Are you sure? Because I'll support you in your decision if you decide to." The Chairman insists. "I'm sure." Taehyung looks up behind the Chairman, and the clock says 10 AM. Widening in surprise at how much time has gone by, he hears multiple footsteps coming towards the office door. The door is suddenly opened, and he quickly turns his face away from them and wipes his tear-stricken face.

Taehyung doesn't see it, but the Chairman does, and he notices how the members went from joyful to pissed-off faces before quickly returning to their original expressions. "Ah...we see Taehyung got here a little early. We were wondering where you went." Jimin says before touching his shoulder in an almost endearing manner. Although everyone in that room knows it was the very opposite.

The Chairman doesn't greet them in his normally chipper mood. Still, they don't realize as they are too busy focusing on Taehyung and wondering what he is doing here." Why don't you all sit down," the Chairman says grimly. Jin seems to snap out of his stupor when hearing the Chairman's voice. What did Taehyung tell him? He thinks to himself.

They all take a seat and wait to be handed their renewal contracts. They all are given similar packets informing them of their duties to the company while they are still signed to them. Everyone receives a contract except for Taehyung. The others notice this and are confused.

Before they can say anything, though, the Chairman interrupts them, "Taehyung, it was a pleasure working with you. If you ever want to come back as a solo artist, just let me know." Taehyung smiles at that, "Thank you, but I will have to decline your offer." he says, feeling as if a weight has been lifted off his chest. "I'll have your release form written up by the end of the day, and you can come by tomorrow to sign it." Taehyung nods in approval, stands up, and shakes hands with the Chairman for what might possibly be the last time.

He takes a deep breath and begins walking towards the door to leave, pointedly making sure to avoid eye contact with his members.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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