Chapter 2

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Akiko P.O.V.

I've been feeling very homesick the last couple of days. Everything is different here. The rules are different, the language is different, the food taste different, and I'm alone most of the time. I'm lucky that I've been educated in different languages back home or else I would've felt even more lonely. I hum a nursery rhyme from my hometown as I walk past a pond. I look up at the sky and see that the sky is changing color. I should head back but I really don't want to. I sigh silently and decide on one more lap around the pond. But before I finished the lap, it's already dark so I walk back to the palace. I'm surprised to see attendants and an officer whom I've seen in the outer court before. I can see Jinshi and Mao Mao's faces in the light of the torches. Jinshi's looks panicked while I also see a worried frown on Mao Mao's face. As I walk towards them, Mao Mao sees me. She pulls at Jinshi's sleeve. He looks at her, and then follows her gaze toward me. His face shows relief, and then anger. "Where have you been?!" He says, raising his voice which is uncharacteristic of him. "I was just out on a stroll... like I do every day.." I say, slightly confused. "You never come back after dark! You shouldn't! We were worried sick! We thought something had happened to you" Jinshi says. "Thank you for coming, and for your help. You can go" he says, to the attendants and the officer. They bow to him and leave before he turns to me again. He immediately seems angry again. "What were you thinking?!" He snaps,but he doesn't even let me answer. "You know what?! I don't care, just go. To your room or something. Out of my face" Jinshi says. I scoff and walk past him. I softly curse at him in my own language. "What was that?!" He asks, raising his voice but I quickly walk away, to my room. "I was just a little late" I mumble as I close the door behind me. "It's no big deal" I add as I walk toward my bed. I sigh deeply and down onto my bed. I hate it here, I want to go home. "Akiko-sama?" I hear a voice from the other side of the door. "I'll put your dinner here. Please eat" it says.

I look up at the Furin that's in front of my open window. The soft chimes makes me feel like home. I'm glad Otosan made me take this. At least I've got a little bit of home with me. I look out of the open window when I hear the door open. "If you don't want to eat that's fine, but at least drink some tea" Mao Mao says. I turn my head to see her walking in with a tray and cups. I take a cup that Mao Mao offers me, and bring it to my face. "This is chicken broth" I say, lowering the cup. Mao Mao smiles. "It'll give you energy. But if you really don't want it, I've got some green tea here as well" she says. "It's his doing, isn't it?" I ask, after taking a sip and looking out the window again. "He just worries" Mao Mao says, sitting down at the table. "I'm fine" I say. "You haven't eaten in two days" she says. "It's just food" I say. "Are you doing it to spite him? Because he scolded you?" Mao Mao asks. "I'm not that petty. Besides he can treat me as he pleases. I am his wife" I answer. Mao Mao sits down. "I just miss home. I miss the food from home." I say, looking up at the Furin. "It'll pass, in time it'll pass" I say. "It's okay to miss home you know." Mao Mao says. "You don't have to keep it a secret. Or starve yourself. The chefs aren't incompetent. They can make different kinds of food" she says. "I'm not starving myself. I'm just not hungry" I say, putting the cup down after drinking all of the broth. "You keep looking at that. Is it from your home?" Mao Mao asks. "In my country it's called a Furin, it's used as a protective charm to ward evil spirits." I say. "My father gave it to me when I left, and told me to hang it at my window. He is superstitious like that" I say. "And you're not?" Mao Mao asks. "I think that most things kan be explained. It would hurt his feelings if I didn't. It's the least I can do you know." I say. "Didn't he sell you to Jinshi?" She asks. I smile. "Yes but he did so much for me before he did" I say.

Since I'm not really allowed to leave Jinshi's wing, I'm on the porch with tea doing some embroidery. "So you do embroidery as well?" Jinshi asks as he sits down on the other chair at the table. "I can do a lot Zuigetsu-sama" I say, putting the cloth on my lap and pour tea for Jinshi. "I didn't know" he says, as he take my work from my lap and place it on the table. "You didn't ask" I answer. It's silent for a bit. "I haven't seen you in a couple of days" Jinshi says softly. "You didn't come to my room" I answer. "I thought you didn't want to see me" he says. I look at him. "You didn't ask me" I say. A slight frown appears on his face. "I treated you quite harsh" Jinshi says. "You're my husband, you can treat me however you like" I say. It seems like that answer hurts him. "You shouldn't think like that. I don't want to be that way." He says. "It's the rules of marriage isn't it?" I ask lifting my cup to take a sip. "I don't believe it is" Jinshi says. "In my country a wife has to do what her husband says, he can treat her however he likes, she is his property. Is it not the same in this country?" I ask. "Did your father treat your mother that way?" Jinshi asks. "No" I answer, after a moment of silence. "It's the same in this country, but I don't want to be that kind of husband. To either one of you" Jinshi says. I look at him but don't respond. "I care about you, that's why I want you to eat" he says. "I do eat" I say. "You drank a cup of broth yesterday. Because Mao Mao tricked you" Jinshi says dryly. "She did not trick me. I knew it was broth" I say. I sigh deeply. "I'm just a little homesick. The food is good, but a little different. My stomach is just adjusting. I'm taking herbs that is helping with it, but it's taking a little time. I drink broth and eat soup and rice. I eat" I say. "Why didn't you tell me you were homesick?" Jinshi asks. "I'm not supposed to be. I'm lucky to be here" I say. "Of course you can be homesick, you silly woman" Jinshi sighs. "Of course you can be."

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