~ch 1:lovley dinner~

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yes, this is a story about a side character from another book

i got my inspiration by the lovely @Breanca96 , go read her perfect story called "pushed in the dark(boyxboy)" because thats where i got the idea from

WARNINGS/TWS(overall story warnings, not this chapter):


attempted rape mention

abuse mention

sh mention/ scars

slight ed

foster care

(warnings for this chapter)




Connor opened the door to his house, upon opening it he saw it cleaned and he smelled food cooking"madre?"he called for his mother. a head popped out from the kitchen "Connor! welcome home! How was your day?"she asked her chocolate skin shimmered in the light of the sun. it ways much different from his pearly white skin, though neither minded "good, i forgot my lunch money though" he told her taking off his backpack "oh you poor thing, have this"before he could protest his mother shoved some bacon into his mouth. it was hot, connor guessed it was just taken off the pan moments before, he didn't mind though"better hot then cold"he told himself "thanks" he said with his mouth full. "And don't talk with your mouth open" she scolded closing his mouth.

he simply nodded and took off to his room.

timeskip: a few hours

Connor walked down stairs seeing his mother setting the table and his father sitting. he walked over and pulled out a chair to sit on "hey darling!" his mother greeted "hey" he replied. it didn't take long for the table to be set and for his mother to sit down and everyone begin eating. "how was school?" his father asked "it was good" Connor said back getting a nod from his father. "you know there making a third frozen, and elsa marries a girl?" Connors mom said. his father shook his head "the new generation shouldn't see that!" he argued. Connor blinked and looked down at his food, Connor had only been at this family for a year or so, he didn't know much about them other then that they were christens but he never considered homophobia despite being a homosexual being such a big part of him. "i'm not that hungry" he said sitting up "oh okay darling". Connor sat up and put his dish in the sink, he ran up stairs and sat on his bed

 A single tear fell down his cheek, it burned, it burned way more then all his other tears ever did "why, oh why, now that I've just a found a good one" he thought as he sat on his bed crying. his phone lit up 

Alabama Arkansas i do love my ma and pa

the words rung in his head

but not the way i do love you

he knew it was his boyfriend, riyu, by the ringtone yet his was to upset to answer, so he let it play

holy moly me oh my

he let it play as the tears burned his skin, he was scared of his parents now, scared they'd hurt him

you're the apple of my eye

soon it went to voicemail. Connor let himself drown in his burning hot tears until he fell asleep


this took me longer then it should have

words: 514 

don't expect this to be updated to much 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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~madre?~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ