4.0 | Your Mothers Daughter (requested)

Start from the beginning

"Sure, we will." She kissed the top of your head and left your room, worried.


A week had passed since that day, and your mental health took a turn for the worst. You were still in your room for most hours of the day, every minute more miserable. And your mother noticed. She is watching you like a hook. You've been avoiding this topic, and she knows it's getting worse. Every now and then, she comes to check on how you're doing, but she left a few hours ago for grocery shopping, and even if you didn't plan to reach out to her, you didn't want to find yourself back to your old habits.

You were clean for so long, you didn't want to give in, but you craved. You craved shoving a blade into your skin. You were longing for this familiar feeling. It was so horrible how much you missed the blood running through your arms. So, for that, you locked yourself in the bathroom, crying and taking a hold of the blade, debating if you should or shouldn't do it. For that matter, you didn't hear Taylor getting home. She knocked on your door.

"Baby? Are you there?" She called you "Hey, I know you're upset, but I need to talk to you." She called again, but didn't hear your response, and soon noticed you weren't in your room, but in your bathroom, after she heard your muffled crys.

"Honey, please open up." She said, worried about what you were doing. "Unlock this door, Y/n Andrea Swift, I swear to God." She said, and you soon realized she was breaking down too.

You decided to do as you were told. Still with the blade on your hands, you unlock the door for Taylor. Picturing, you were seated down, crying uncontrollably with a blade on your hands. You haven't used it yet, and deep down, you didn't want to. You wanted to get better. But for right now, the feeling was stronger.

"Oh my god, baby!" Taylor let it out, calmly approaching you.

"Please., make it stop." You said, before you broke out in tears.

"Ca-can you ha-handle it to m-me?" Taylor asked. You hesitantly look at her, still crying and dizzy. You handed it to her, and she knelt to the ground next to you, pulling you to her lap, while she rubbed your back. "Get it out of your chest, baby. It 's okay." She said, teary. She also quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket, dialing her mother.

Call on:

T- Mom?

A- yeah, darling. Everything okay? You sound upset.

T- I need your help. Please, can you come over?- she was barely able to get these words out.-

A- I'll be there in ten'.

Call off.

Without any further questions, Andrea showed up to yours and Taylor's home. You still remained in that same position, fetal, crying onto your mothers chest.
Suddenly, you heard another voice

"Taylor??" Andrea screamed.

"On Y/ns bathroom, mom." She said and kissed your forehead. She fastly got up to where you were, and looked at the blade on Taylor's hand.

"Oh, my God. Let's leave this bathroom, shall we?" Andrea helped you both up, but Taylor decided to hold you like a baby, just how you liked it.

After a minute of silence, you, Taylor and Andrea were sitting in your bed.

"We're not going to pressure you to speak, but we love you and we want to help you. Please, let us." Taylor said, holding and kissing your hands.

You sighed. You wanted to be helped, after all.

"I don't know, it's just.. too much. I can't hold on anymore mom, everything is too much. I'm in pain physically, emotionally, mentally...... I don't want to go down that path again, I swear, but life is just too much right now. I'm sorry, I-I just n-need an easy way out." You let out in a whine.

Taylor Swift - Mother Imagines (GxG+P)Where stories live. Discover now