Chapter 16

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flasback Mira 4 

Ezra went to pick Mira from kindergarden. Minute he enter her class Mira's teacher went to him and asked. "Sorry young man are you going to pick your sibling?" "Oh no Im her to pi... " Teacher dindt let him finish and said."Then leave or I call police." Ezra just smiled and said. "Miss Im here to pick up Mira Wren Bridger my daugter. Is there a problem?" Teacher just loked at him not in good way. "How old are you?  22? You dont lik like father of 4 years old. Did you and her mom got drunk? Is she going to picking her up too?" That got him bit mad. "Im 19 and first of all Im not drinking and her mom dont drink as well. Second of all Her mom died in childbirth. Third of all dont stuck your  nose in my personal life. Mira sweatheart we going home." 

Present day

Mira was sleeping and Ezra was geting ready for bed when he got massage from Kanan.

K:Hey Ezra Jacon told me what hapend I hope you know he didnt mean it.

Ezra texted him back

E:I know. Its just hard for her. Thats why she got angry. Its not easy to hear talking about someone parent when you missing one. Especialy when you havent met that parents.

Ezra then went to sleep.

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