Chapter 11

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7 years later

Mira was now 14 years old and studying on Lothal junior high school. She was enjoying it until one day one of her teachers said something that made her thing about her mother. 

"Dad? Can I asked you something?" She asked. "Yes biskit anything." Said Ezra. "Was mom alcoholic? Did mom died in childbirth becouse of alcohol?" "Mira Wren Bridger where did you heard that bullshit? "Ezra asked bit angerli. "My teacher  Mis Karen said that.  She came to me and said that her mother died same way." Mira asked. Ezra was shocked and angry. He hoped that he would never have to deal with Karen and this was worst Karan thing he had to deal with. Next day at school at principal's ofice Ezra Mira miss Karen and principal Alexsandr Kallus ware dealing with situation. 

"Im normaly calm person Alex but if someone is saying lies about Sabine and hurting my daugter I get mad.You know Sabine died in childbirth and not from being Alcoholic." Ezra said. Alexsandr wanted to say something but Karen cut him of"Mister Bridger I told the true. I didnt lied. Dying in childbirth in now day is mostly because of Alcohol. She got pragnant at 18 by 15 years old." Kallus didnt like to hears this lies just much as Ezra and Mira. Mira was Alexsandr great nice and Ezra was his nephew.He end Ezra's mother were siblings. "Sabine died in child birth becouse of weak heart not from alcohol. She never drink alcohol. Dont you ever said those words about my deceased fiance ever again." Said Ezra. "Professor Karan you fired"

AN. I read one shot where Kallus was Ezra's uncel. His mother's brother. So it inspired me. 

single father at 15Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz