Chapter 18 - The Only Good Thing

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"I noticed you fidgeting."

Cross froze, setting his cup down.

Geno sighed.
"I noticed your discomfort. I just thought I'd get you away from the crowd."

"O-oh, Thank you."

Oh geez.

"Not a big fan of crowds?"
Geno now being beside the smaller, asked.

"No, I-I guess not."
Cross blushed from embarrassment.

"And what are you guys talking about?"

Cross jumped, startled by Reapers sudden intrusion. Nightmare right beside him.

Geno rolled his 'eye'.
"Nothin that concerns you, Reaper."

Cross couldn't help but smile at the couples' behavior.
Nightmare caught sight of his smile, causing his soul to skip a beat.

He turned his head away from the group.

'Dammit Nightmare! Pull yourself together!'


A couple hours have past, and Cross purposely avoided his father. Thought he got to meet the head of every kingdom invited, he didn't even want to be CLOSE to that Man...

It was almost getting dark.
5 o'clock it was, Cross had basically explored the whole venue. It was beautiful and very-well decorated.

He looked across the crowd for awhile before he left into the many halls of the place, finding one to the outside.

Without thinking twice, he stepped out into what seemed to be the garden.

The sight took his breath away and he wandered further into it, finding himself lost in the wonder of roses.

He should plant some more back home. That'd be quite the sight wouldn't it?

The smaller was lost in thought before he heard footsteps approach him, stopping a few feet behind him.
Quickly turning to see the monster he didn't wish to see.


Cross had his soul in his throat.

What did he want?



The smaller whimpered.

"You seem to be doing.... oddly well. I thought he'd kick you out by now."

Cross simply lowered his head.
"N-No, h-he hasn't..yet."

'Maybe if found out the truth, he might just kick me out completely..'

X cackled. Far from friendly, which had a shiver crawling up the smaller spine.

"Oh Cross, look how far you've come, it's only a matter of time 'fore he finds how useless you are, and has you shipped back to me."
X snarled.

The monochrome flinched.
"Of c-course you'd say that..."
He mumbled.

X didn't seem to like that response as he walked up to Cross and gripped his jaw. Tightly. Causing the other to yelp.

"Listen. you piece of shit. don't think he cares for you. Remember how this liberty happened and who gave it to you."
X growled.
"I forced this man to take you off my hands! Be useful for something as I don't want you back in my kingdom."

He let go of Cross and walked away.

The monochrome stood there, still in shock and disappointment at the reminder of how this all started for him.

'Right... Nightmare was forced to take my hand..'

He shut his eyes for a moment.
'Is there any real care for me, or is it an act?'

He sighed. Trying not to let his thoughts get the better of him again.
Especially when he heard footsteps again.

Quickly standing up straighter and looking at the person who entered the garden.

He nearly sighed in relief once he realized it was Nightmare.

He seems to always be there are his worst, huh?

"There you are, dearest."
The taller walked up to him.

"M-My Lord?"
The smaller asked as Nightmare cupped his cheek.

"Why did you wonder off on your own? It could be dangerous."
The Dark Lord pulled Cross closer.
"You don't know what these people planned to do with any of us. Don't do that again."


"I-im sorry."
Now it was Cross' turn to cup the tallers cheek.
"I was being careless."


Nightmare didn't say anything. Cross grew nervous, thinking he may have upset the other in a way.

Nightmare on the other hand wasn't angry. But he seemed a bit...jealous.

"Screw this.."

He quickly kissed his partner, pulling him closer as Cross yelped in surprise but soon gave in.

A minute had past before they parted.
The monochrome panting as the Dark Lord snarled and buried his face in his Partners neck.

"I saw you looking at other men in there...."
He whispered softly, almost as if he didn't want anyone to hear them. Even if they were completely alone.

Cross grew confused.
'Other m-men?'

Ah, he must've mistaken his curiosity for a different behavior.

"M-My Lord i-"
Cross gasped as he felt the other nip at his neck.

"Do I have to remind you of who you belong? Your Grace."
Nightmare snarled.

Cross blushed and immediately shook his head.
They were outside after all.

"I-It wasn't w-what you think, M-My Lord."
He stuttered out.
"I-I promise."

The Taller stopped attacking his neck. Pulling away and holding Cross' chin with a hand.


The smaller nodded.
"I p-promise."

The Lord smirked
"You're so good to me darling."
He kissed the other again.

Cross couldn't help but kiss back, wrapping his arms around Nightmares neck to deepen the kiss. Absolutely melting when the other circling his arms around his waist to pull him closer as well.

"I'll always be loyal to you."
He whispered.
"I can't love anyone else like this but you.."

Oh how Nightmare wanted to take his lover right then and there, but he controlled himself, he didn't want to scare the only good thing in his life.

"I love you sweetheart.."

"More than you think......"

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