En başından başla

Then my eyes roamed around and I looked at Samiksha and found her glaring at her parents too, okay so they didnt inform her too.

''I am not interested'' I said nonchalantly and continued munching my lasagna.

''Riddhaan, you don't understand the legacy of our family. It's your responsibility to uphold it'' as soon as he completed my irritation was palpable as I took a huge bite gulping it in a go. This man won't let me have my dinner in peace

''I said I am not interested'' Marriage isn't for me, I lost faith in marriage a long back. All thanks to the man sitting in front of me who is not able to meet his gaze to me. Yes, my darling father its you.

''Riddhaan, you are the king now, and you have many responsibilities and one of them is to have a queen beside you'' Mrs Ragini Shekhwat uttered and I gritted my teeth, I loathed her and every single word from her just fueled my anger. Why can't she just keep her thoughts to herself? 

''I am not talking to you Mrs. Shekhawat so dare you to poke your nose in my business'' I compelled angrily, this family is really testing my patience.

''Riddhhaan you can't talk to my mother like that, don't forget she is a queen'' Aryansh growled throwing the food on his plate angrily. Queen my foot, this woman is nothing for me.

''As if I care'' I said standing up, I think it's enough for today. I was about to leave the place but these fucking people have other plans.

''See, dadu you want him to be the king, he doesn't respect anyone and moreover, he always objects to your decisions'' I rolled my eyes at his words and was walking away but in the middle, I heard something which made my blood cold.

''What can we expect from a person who can kill the person he claims to love the most, can do anything in his life'' Arshat taunted while referring to me, my fist bawled hearing it. I walked back and grabbed his collar, punching him in the face.

''And who is eligible to the title of a king other than me, the one who could not even save his wife and daughter, the one who is the reason behind their death'' I answered back, as he wiped the blood running down to his nose. He pushed me and raised his fist in the air to punch me, I grabbed his hand in the middle and held it back.

''I dare you to raise your hand on me and you would find it detached from your useless body'' I warned him, my so-called father and mother came running to us and showed care or sympathy to him while her eyes were stuck at me. I noticed that she silently eyed Samiksha to help me with my injury. I don't understand, why she cares for me. Fuck everyone.

''Let's end this matter here, we get it Riddhhaan is not interested in marriage, and I certainly don't want my Samiksha to be with someone who can't assure a promising future to her'' Mr. Rajvansh said politely and left the place with his family. I couldn't control it anymore too and left the place.

 Fucking royals they always get on my nerves.

Next day

''Well it's time for you to attend the fashion event, it's important'' Ekansh said checking my schedule, I already knew I had to attend this fashion show though I had better things to do but it was one of the biggest fashion shows in India, also I am invited as a chief guest.

''Well Models should thank me that I haven't chosen to be in the fashion industry'' I said checking myself out. Damn, I look so fucking hot. 

''Self-obsessed'' he retorted and I gave him a look, he is tagging my self-love as self-obsession.

''There would be many divas, who know you someone might steal your heart'' Ekansh said, knowing very well this topic irritated me to the core. 

The Empress of his HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin