Take turns to make a circle

Start from the beginning

Oh, Izuku says the confines of his mind, that's reassuring.

With some experienced courage, Mina fists her hand and straight-up bangs the door with the almost effort to break through it.

"Katsuki Bakugou, open up!"

"Fuck off! I'm busy, raccoon eyes!"

"So am I, and unless you want me to evict your sorry, ungrateful— oh hello there, Bakugou." She says in a shifting tone when the door slams open.

On the other side, an angry male blonde who Izuku assumes is Katsuki Bakugou, half-naked in track pants with a solid grip on the door. In fact, the only thing that might be keeping him from attacking Mina might be the fact that she's his landlady and that there's a witness.

"What the fuck, raccoon eyes?" The man growls, and the rage ripples off his muscles.

"You have a roommate for the night." She tells him before Izuku can stop her and suddenly, he becomes the object of seething rage like this is his fault. What the hell? He didn't even do anything.

"The fuck are you playing at—"

"I'll cut you slack for your rent payment this month by two weeks."

Anger only slightly leaves the man, the offer seems to be a good one but if that's the case then, Izuku would be staying with this man uncomfortably close to resembling a homicidal criminal.

"Fine," he hears him utter out before Bakugou looks over his shoulder. "Oi, get out of here."

A whine sounds and Izuku's cheeks burn in the little modesty he can preserve of interrupting someone from their time together. Out walks a girl with pretty hair and a fine, faux-fur coat wrapped around her, the stutter in her walk doesn't escape anyone present, to distract himself from which, Izuku chuckles nervously.

"Still, Mina-san, I really think I should leave because—"

"Oh come on, didn't I tell you? Bakugou's ecstatic to have you here."

Izuku takes one glance and decides that really is the wrong word to describe the man there.

"It's only one night, right?" The blond glares at them and Mina nods with a chirp. A hand grabs Izuku's backpack and with no ceremony whatsoever, drags it, inadvertently causing Izuku to slip back, almost tripping over the sill.

"Then, fuck off." He slams the door close and Izuku eyes the screws holding that piece of wood, wondering if this was a regular occurrence for the poor door.

"Bakugou! Don't be mean to him, he's a nice guest, treat him well or I'll reduce your delay by a week!"

It takes a second but a click of heels walking down is heard. Izuku slowly stands to his feet, moving back against the door that creaks, he faces the blond-haired man with who he really, really wanted nothing to do with.

"Hello, Bakugou-san, umm, you don't have to necessarily house me—"

"Call me Bakugou, and if raccoon eyes promised it then I'm gonna act my due out—"

"Ah," Izuku says, "but I'm not exactly your due."

"Ha?! What was that?"

Izuku stares into the space above Bakugou's shoulder which is a random painting of some river because it's much less antagonizing than its owner. Complacently, he simply nods, earning a 'yeah, that's what I thought' grumble from the man. The room is clean and nice, Italian marble and all, but there's the scent of sex and sweat mumbling in the air and Izuku simply ignores it with a blush that reaches the tips of his ears.

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