How I wished over the months that one day he'd be this concerned about me. His eyes same as the day he saw my dad beating me up. Full of worry and care.

"It's okay. Sometimes it's just hard to handle. It will pass." I assured him.


Suddenly he lifted me up the ground and carried me. That was so unusual of him.

"Max." I gasped.

"Why are you blushing!" he asked smiling.

For a while I missed his smile. He looks better when he is happy. I watched him savoring all of him. In my mind I was scared, what if this is a one time thing. He later put me on the couch.

"Relax here. Want something to drink before I get you a blanket?" He asked.

I found myself staring at him.

"Hey, stop spacing out."

"Oh! Just water."

He walked away leaving me to be in my own imagination. I liked this him but was it going to last.


"Took you long enough." I teased him.

"I had to heat it up. Careful it's a little hot."

He passed me a mug with warm water. Felt nice in my hands. I took a sip to quench my thirst. Soon he went up the stairs and came back with a blanket. He tucked me in like a little baby.

"Here, finish your water." He spoke while signaling me to drink.

This was too good to be true. He even helped me to drink water. I must be dreaming, yet if this was it then I don't want to ever wake up from it. It was so warm that I fell asleep so fast.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Anny, wake up. It's dinner time." I heard Gabby's voice.

"So this was all a dream. " I spoke sitting up while she helped me.

"What dream." Max asked behind me.

I turned towards him. He stood there with a glass half filled with juice. I was much thrilled to see him than ever. So it wasn't a dream. We were on talking terms now.

"Drink this before eating." He passed me the glass.

"He made it himself." Gabby whispered.

He slightly got disappointed. Bet he wanted it to be a secret.

"It's yummy though." I compliment him.

He sure does love compliments. The smile on his face wasn't a big one but rather an honest one.

"Let's go." He spoke once I was done with drinking.

Later he helped me to the dining table and sat next to me. This was the best. For five months Gabby and Lukah have been the one taking care of me even though they both had there own worries to take care of.

Gabby hasn't been well lately. She keeps getting sick occasionally since the incident. The doctor said she inhaled a lot of smoke that damaged her lungs and one of her rib was hurt badly. Since then we both took care of ourselves. She was hurt because of me and now I was pregnant double deal for both of us and a harder job for Lukah. Everything hasn't been the same both Lukah and Max lost one of their best friend and a trusted man too. On top of all Max's men. It was a huge blow to all.

"Snap out of it, Annu you need to eat." Max interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Huh!" I gasped looking at my plate.

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