I Finally Get the Golden Fleece

Start from the beginning

But we couldn't keep this up forever. Eventually, we would tire or the monster would get in a lucky shot. It would only take one hit to kill us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grover carrying Annabeth across the rope bridge. It wouldn't have been my first choice, given the man-eating sheepiranhas on the other side, but at the moment that looked better than this side of the chasm, and it gave me an idea.


Clarisse rolled away as the Cyclops's fist smashed the olive tree beside her.

We ran for the bridge, Polyphemus right behind us. He was cut up and hobbling from so many wounds, but all we'd done was slow him down and make him mad.

Polyphemus: Grind you into sheep chow! A thousand curses on Nobody!


We tore down the hill. The bridge was our only chance. Grover had just made it to the other side and was setting Annabeth down. We had to make it across, too, before the giant caught us.

Theo: Grover, get Annabeth's knife!

His eyes widened when he saw the Cyclops behind us, but he nodded like he understood. As Clarisse, Percy, and I scrambled across the bridge, Grover began sawing at the ropes.

The first strand went snap!

Polyphemus bounded after us, making the bridge sway wildly. The ropes were now half cut. Clarisse, Percy, and I dove for solid ground, landing beside Grover. Percy made a wild slash with his sword and cut the remaining ropes.

The bridge fell away into the chasm, and the Cyclops howled...with delight because he was standing right next to us.


Clarisse and Grover tried to charge him, but the monster swatted them aside like flies.

Percy charged at the Cyclops. He jabbed the Cyclops in the belly. When he doubled over, Percy smacked him in the nose with the hilt of his sword. he slashed and kicked and bashed until the next thing I knew, Polyphemus was sprawled on his back, dazed and groaning, and Percy was standing above him, the tip of his sword hovering over his eye.

Polyphemus: Uhhhhhhh...

Theo: Holy shit.

Grover: Percy, how did you...

Polyphemus: Please, noooo!

His nose was bleeding. A tear welled in the corner of his half-blind eye.

Polyphemus: M-m-my sheepies need me. Only trying to protect my sheep!

He began to sob.

One quick strike, and he would be gone.

Clarisse: Kill him! What are you waiting for?

Percy looked hesitant. I didn't understand why he would hesitate now...But I suddenly understood.

Polyphemus must've reminded Percy of Tyson.

Percy: We only want the Fleece. Will you agree to let us take it?

Clarisse: NO! KILL HIM!

Polyphemus: (sniffs) My beautiful Fleece. Prize of my collection. Take it, cruel human. Take it and go in peace.

Percy: I'm going to step back slowly. One false move...

Polyphemus nodded, and Percy started slowly backing away.

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