
142 0 2

Triggers: none
Topbur and Bottomq
No smut !

Quackity was in his office in Las Nevadas. The workload he had was over the moon as he sat there and tried to concentrate.

"Are you fucking serious?" Quackity groaned as he slouched in his seat. He just couldn't get work done today and he didnt know why.

Quackity stood up and tucked his hands in his pockets, staring at the country he had made.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Quackity sighed then called out: "Come in." Slime entered and asked:

"Quackity from Las Nevadas, do you have the papers signed and sent? Our investors need it for the upcoming meeting scheduled next week."

'Seriously.. just when I take a break..' Quackity turned around to face Slime. "Just get anyone else to do it. I'm taking a day off.. but it's not like i wanted to." Quackity muttered under his breath the last sentence.

"Alright! Just take the rest you need. I hope you feel better." Slime smiled and then left the room. The raven-haired couldn't help but smile, he was so lucky to have a friend like Slime, understanding and thoughtful.

Quackity decided to go for a walk around the country. It had been a while since he remembered how fresh air smelt. His mind was wandering for a while as he walked back to his penthouse. The winged walked in and took a very refreshing shower. After Quackity was finished, he dried his hair and then relaxed on the bed. He opened his phone and then started to scroll through Twitter. Poor guy, found himself stalking Wilbur's account. 'What is this dude up to now? Probably causing mayhem somewhere.' Quackity slowly drifted asleep, listening to Lovejoy.

Suddenly, he jerked awake. Quackity quickly checked the time. It was 8:45 pm. He blinked. The papers were supposed to be sent before the day ended. He rushed up and wore any outfit cause he knew he pulled off anything. Quackity was about to leave his penthouse but he halted back. He hurriedly ran towards his desk, drew eyeliner flawlessly then dashed out.

Quackity strode into the office building and then stumbled slightly towards Slime's office. 'Shit shit shit shit shit..' He banged on a door with the sign that read: 'Slime's office♡' Of course, with Quackity being himself, he didn't wait for an answer. He just flung the door open and barged in.

"Slime, did you finish the paperwork?" Quackity half-shouted as he slammed his palms onto Slime's desk. He was panting, sweating but he still looked perfect.

Slime looked up from his laptop. He had a clueless smile and blinked several times before nodding: "Ahh, the paper for our investors. Yes, we've finished it and sent it to Mr. Awesomedude!"

Quackity sighed in relief as he sat down on the chair opposite Slime. "Thank god you finished it. I accidentally dosed off."
Slime smiled cheerfully through his glasses.

"So, how long did it take.. to finish the papers?" Quackity asked as he threw his head back, relaxing a little.

"Well, it only took a couple of hours cause I had a helping hand." Slime smiled as he separated the documents. Quackity straightened up. "Who?"

"Well you told me to get anyone else to do it with me so I called the only person available," Slime answered truthfully as he packed his stationeries for the night off. Quackity was getting annoyed as he stood up: "Yes, I get it. But who helped you so I can pay them?"

But before he could finish, Quackity's vision got blocked. He felt cold, dry hands on his eyes. The ravenette hands flung up as a reflex and grabbed onto the wrists of the predator.

"I didn't know I'd get paid."

A voice whispered into Quackity's ear. He shivered slightly as he heard the deep British voice and the hot breath of the guy in his ear.

Quackity jumped around and shoved the person away. Standing there was no other than Wilbur Soot. Wilbur was a tall lanky man with stitches and green patches on his body. He wore a beanie and a large trench coat over his signature yellow sweater. And of course, the smug grin was still there.

"You? What the-" Quackity turned towards Slime who was standing by the door. "Him?! Of all people, why him?!" Quackity whispered-shouted at Slime who just gave a clueless smile and then left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Don't you miss me?" Wilbur smirked as he bent down to be Quackity's height, slightly mocking him. Quackity rolled his eyes as he said through gritted teeth: "Why would I care if you went on tour or not? In fact, the months you've been away have been the best." He lied.

Wilbur blinked then chuckled softly. "I didn't know you followed me on Twitter. If my memory serves me right.. I only told Phil and Tommy that I'd be on tour." Quackity felt his cheeks warm up, he had accidentally exposed himself.

Wilbur grabbed Quackity's waist and pulled him close until their bodies touched. Wilbur tucked a strand of hair behind the flushing's ear. "If it makes you feel any better, I did miss you," Wilbur said in a low tone.

"H-hah! I knew no one could resist my charms.." Quackity chuckled nervously as he tried to gain confidence though he didn't push the brunette away. Deep inside, he loved it when Wilbur held him like this but he'll never admit it if his life depended on it.

Wilbur suddenly got close to Quackity's face, their nose only inches apart. "Use those charms and give me my paycheck," Wilbur stated. Quackity's breath became shallow and quick, he could feel Wilbur's breath on his face as he flushed red. His heart pounding like Mark's drums. "You know exactly what kind of currency I want."

Quackity then slowly got closer. There was no way out of this, he had to pay Wilbur or he'd get sued.. but something inside him wanted this too.

Finally, he closed the distance between them. He could feel Wilbur's grip on his waist tightened as the brunette caressed his cheek. Quackity slowly closed his eyes, leaning more into the passionate kiss. He felt as if he was in heaven as Wilbur's chapped lips brushed against his cherry blossom lip-glossed one.

As Quackity gave in, Wilbur pulled away every few seconds to let his duck breathe.. as Quackity gasped for air, he took advantage of Quackity's ajar mouth. He slowly licked Quackity's lips and bit it softly as he started to explore every inch of the Mexican's mouth. Wilbur smirked into the kiss as he heard his so-called rival let out small slips of pleasure.

They stayed in the kiss longer.. and Wilbur was the one to break it. He observed the ravenette. Quackity was panting heavily, his lips were red and swollen from the kiss, glossed with Wilbur's saliva. Wilbur chuckled with satisfaction.

Quackity, on the other hand, was having trouble processing. He felt his knees weaken and felt cold but burning hot wherever he felt Wilbur's touch. He was still blushing incredibly red. He has always loved power and being with Wilbur made him feel vulnerable.. but he was addicted to it somehow.

"I'm glad you liked it, Quacks." Wilbur winked and walked towards the exit, leaving a stunned Quackity alone. Before walking out of sight, he smirked and whispered:

"Thank you for the payment."

× Word count: 1341 ×

Thank you so much for reading the first-ever oneshot!! I really went crazy with this loll. I just finished my literature exam so I needed a stress reliever for my math exam, which is taking place tomorrow! I'm actually really proud of my first product. But I finished this at past 1 am so please, if I made any mistake, feel free to correct me!
Again, thank you my loves for supporting me on this! Please let me know your thoughts through the comments!! Love you, have a great day♡

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