Chapter 8

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"Why is someone pounding on my door so early?" I groan as the banging gets louder and faster. I wrap the comforter around me as I walk to the door. "What?" I shout standing next to the door.

"You are to evacuate the room in the next five minutes. Your companions have already departed." an annoyed voice responds.

"What do you mean departed?" I ask dropping the comforter to the floor and reaching for my knapsack.

"They said to wake you if you weren't down for breakfast and then they left when they finished." The voice trailed off as I open the door. Well how could I be down for breakfast if they never told me when it was?
"Which way did they go?" I ask stepping out of the room.

"There's only one entrance and exit in Pollvann, the main gate." the man reports. I nod and head down the hallway and stairs. I exit the inn and enter an already busy road. Trying to remember how I had gotten to the Ventini district I follow some other clans who seem to be leaving. I recognize where I am once I smell the fruit stalls. I can also feel Ahorn's ivy, continuing in a southwest direction. I close my eyes and focus on the ivy . When I open them again I can "see" where they are. Luckily they haven't decided to fly...that would have been difficult to follow. I can tell Ahorn feels my presence so I quickly cut off the connection.

"This is gonna be a great day." I mumble as I head towards the gate.

"Hey! Naur!" A voice calls out as I exit. I turn to see the girl who ran into me "accidently" yesterday. "Your group already left." she states.

"I know. That's why I'm going." she seems annoyed at my answer.

"Why? They obviously don't like you."

"Well maybe two of the three don't." I respond.

"What about the one you were with? He seems to really care for you." Is she trying to hint at something? Her green eyes narrow waiting for my answer.

"He's spoken for." I respond which seems to surprise her. "Anything else you think I should know?" I guess I couldn't hide my annoyance.

"Just be careful. If they left without you once, they'll do it again." she warns. What is with this girl? Her long black hair gets blown back in a breeze. I catch a glimpse of a nacemerke on her neck but I can't fully see it to recognize it.

"I have nothing better to do." I respond. As soon as I finish speaking an explosion shifts my attention. "Isn't that..."

"Guards to the Ventini district!" A soldier shouts as a group rushes into the streets towards the district. I look around and notice the girl has disappeared. I listen to the panic around me. Apparently, Pollvann has never been attacked before. As I am outside the gate I watch as a rush of water erupts from the ground preventing others from entering or leaving. On the opposite side I see guards facing the water and the marketplace weapons drawn. I turn and head in the direction that I had felt Ahorn's ivy hoping they stopped somewhere.

After walking for a half hour I close my eyes again. I notice my companions have taken a break under a willow tree. "Sure when it's just them they'll take a break." I mumble. Shaking my head I continue walking. I notice a small stream and notice many willows lining its banks. There a couple hundred feet away were my companions, resting oblivious to the fact that I was there. I guess I let my emotions control me as I send a mini earthquake towards them as I take a step forward. Both Abak and Storshu quickly float in the air while Ahorn rides out the quake. "I sware if you all didn't want me on this little adventure why did you nominate me?" I shout looking at Abak who has started to come down again.

Abak and Ahorn look at me shocked that I actually know how to do something. Storshu stays slightly above the ground and stares at me. "Maybe if you would have told me before I went to bed what time we were gonna meet I would have been on time. I guess I should thank you all for being quick eaters though."

Dark Woods. Land of Beonia Book 1Where stories live. Discover now