Chapter 4

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The walk back seems to pass too quickly. My mind tells me to just keep walking. Walk into the woods and that would happen. I shake my head as I enter my home...for what I hope won't be the last time. I hear voices coming from the kitchen as I quickly look in. The Ventini are all sitting around the table. Luckily, father has left mom's chair open, the faded blue flower still in bloom. I smile to myself as I head upstairs. Since I tend to stay out I decided to stay in the smallest room, I just need a bed and a few clothes, nothing fancy. I grab a brown knapsack off of my bed and fill it with a blanket, a small pillow, a change of clothes, a hairbrush, and my sandals. I have found that walking barefoot is better for me...wearing shoes, any shoes, for a long time causes my feet to bleed...even in winter. This is a common trait among the Naur Nadartachi. I have found a trick though, if I put some dirt into my boots they won't hurt as much. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and slowly come down the stairs and enter the kitchen again.

"Your daughter will be a great help finding this new Nadartach." Abak says. "We have been told that many Naur Nadartachi can see through forests even at night."

"I haven't really tried that." I respond getting a glare from my father.

"But I'm sure she will be able to, with some practice." My father responds with a forced grin.

A knock at the door caused Bridar to leave the room and come back with a man who I recognize from my childhood. Opica turns and smiles. "Ahron! What are you doing here?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

Ahron is the same age as Opica and is Nadartach. He was the one who helped me that one day for training. He always tried to be nice to me when he saw me at school until Opica noticed. She confronted me about it and told me to stay away from him. Ahron was she could really own a person. Now his hair was a brighter blonde and his body tanned from working out in the fields. Him and Opica have been seeing each other, not that I'm supposed to know that but like Abak said, we can see through forests.
Ahron approaches Abak and my father and kneels before them. I stare realizing that this guy is going to propose. " Olspian," he starts turning his hands outward showing his palms to my father. "I've come to express my interest in Opica. I know I have no right to ask this empty handed but I am prepared to go with Raydenia and the Ventini on their journey to discover more about this Nadartach." He finishes bowing his head and raising his hands towards my father. Opica is smiling like an idiot in the corner. Bridar rolls his eyes as he picks Oraf up and ushers Flophane out of the kitchen.

"This decision is up to you Olspian." Abak hesitates staring at Ahron.
I can tell my father is contemplating his decision. He knows Opica marrying Ahron would be a step up for her as she is one of the few older women not married, but he would be losing the profits from her bakery. My father clears his throat as he begins to speak, placing his hands on top of Ahron's. "Opica may be yours on two conditions. First, Flophane must work in the bakery and receive a decent pay. Second, you must return with a gem from the Lurani tribe of the southwest." I sigh knowing my father's greed is growing thanks to that Ipnon gem. "That gem will be enough for Opica's dowry." My father finishes clasping onto Ahron's wrists and helping him stand up. Ahron shows agreement by bringing his hands together and smiles.

Opica rushes to Ahron and embraces him, bumping into my shoulder in the process. I stiffen when she touches me, sensing peppermint leaf and ginger root...two ingredients I know she doesn't like to use. I shake my head and give a small smile at the couple.

"The more the merrier." Abak states as he stands. " I take it you are ready to go, Ahron?" Ahron nods as he points to the door where his knapsack is located.
Opica quickly finishes wrapping up some bread and some dried fruits. She hands them to Ahron who packs them into his bag. We all head outside and I get rushed by Oraf.

"Are you leaving because I told daddy when you came in?" He asks with tears in his eyes.

I squat down to his level and give him a hug. "Of course not." I say patting his head as I feel his quiet sobs on my shoulder. "I'm going to help find someone for these people, then I'll be back." I kiss his forehead and pull out a seed from my pocket. Oraf smiles knowing what to do. He quickly buries it in the dirt and steps back as I focus. Before my eyes a sapling and then a mature apple tree grows to the right of our house, my parting gift.

Oraf squeals with delight as he reaches for one of the branches. Bridar hugs me before lifting Oraf up to hang on the branch. Flophane also approaches and gives a hug. "There's a small hair pin with sapphires on it in a box behind my bead." I whisper into her ear. "It was mom's, now it is yours." Flophane's eyes widen in shock and then she smiles. Most of our mother's gems had been sold by our father. I know Flophane will keep it safe.

"Raydenia, it is time we leave." Abak states as he, Storshu, and Ahron start down the path. I notice the other Ventin walking in the opposite direction.

I bow to my father who just waves and then turns talking to Opica who is smiling at Ahron. She looks at me and then glares. This is a warning to stay away from Ahron.

Doesn't she understand that I don't like him? I shake my head and run to catch up to the group. "Where are the other two going?" I ask.

"They are no longer needed." Abak says bluntly. "This has become a Nadartachi mission only."

"Why?" I ask getting glares from Storshu.

"The more people we have looking for this Nadartach the more likely it will hear us coming." Abak states without looking back. Ahron nods in agreement. You just joined Ahron, don't act like you really know what's going on.

"We will be heading south towards Corrined Rilv." Storshu announces after walking for a few minutes. "Don't you two want to put shoes on?" he asks looking at our feet.

"We will be fine." Ahron responds.

"I thought you grew up around Naur Nadartachi." I blurt out.

"They all wore shoes around Ventini." He responds with a confused look.

I look to Ahron to explain but he has already walked by and is walking with Abak. Sighing, I begin to explain. "Naur Nadartachi are uncomfortable wearing shoes for long periods of time. It's like when your arm or leg falls asleep. You know it's there but it doesn't respond and makes you uneasy." yeah for the one lesson I attended.

"That explains so many things." Storshu responds.

"Like what?" I ask, tilting my head. Storshu stares at me with dark blue eyes.

Before he can explain, Abak interrupts. "If you two don't keep moving we will not make it to the next village before nightfall. They close their gates right before the sunsets...we have about five hours to get there before then."

"Will we really be able to make it?" I ask. Five hours is no short time to get to the next village.

"It will be if you two keep walking." Abak snaps back causing Storshu to flinch. We both quicken our paces to catch up and then just walk in silence.  

Dark Woods. Land of Beonia Book 1Where stories live. Discover now