11. Understandings In Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

"I love you too, kiddo," Akshita said, kissing Sitara's forehead. "Now eat before it gets cold," she added, her affectionate tone filling the room.

After Akshita left, Ruhaan emerged from the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, drying his hair.

"Um, maa sent dinner for both of us. Come and have it," Sitara said, her voice shaky with nerves. They were facing each other after seven long days, and the tension hung heavy in the air.

"I've already eaten," Ruhaan replied, his tone distant and hurt, and moved towards the balcony.

Sitara sensed the hurt in his voice, making her heart ache even more. She shrugged off her own feelings, focusing on her meal. After taking her medicines, she lay down on the bed, allowing sleep to consume her, trying to forget the pain in her heart.

Ruhaan lay on the couch in the balcony, holding Pari's photo in his trembling hands. "I tried, Pari, I tried, but it was too late. She's suffocating with me now, and I don't want to ruin her life anymore. She has someone else in her life, and I don't want to be a barrier. I loved her, but she doesn't love me. I'm sorry, Pari, but I can't confess my feelings to her," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. It had been since Pari's death that he had last cried.

The next morning, Sitara woke up to the warm embrace of sunlight. As she yawned and stretched and did her early morning prayer in bed, she slipped on her slippers, ready to start her day. However, she noticed Ruhaan uncomfortably lying on the balcony couch and her steps halted, she walked towards the balcony and saw Ruhaan holding Pari's photo frame tightly to his chest. Sitara's eyes welled up with tears, but she composed herself, inhaling the fresh morning air before moving away.

"I know, Ruhaan, you haven't moved on, and I'm tired now," she whispered to herself.

When she reached the dining table, everyone was already present. Nishtha questioned her presence, suggesting they were about to send breakfast to her room.

"It's okay, Maa. I wanted to have my breakfast with all of you," Sitara said, mustering a smile, and took her seat.

"Where's Ruhaan?" Akshita inquired.

"Ummm," Sitara hesitated, contemplating the excuse she should give. Ruhaan's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Here," Ruhaan replied, taking his seat beside Sitara, his eyes avoiding hers. Sighing, she began her breakfast.

"Maa, I'm leaving for Ahmedabad today," Ruhaan announced between bites.

"Why?" Advik asked.

"Do you remember Mr. Sharma? They want to make a deal with us again," Ruhaan explained.

"Then call them here," Kabir suggested.

"I did, but they said they are having their daughter's wedding next month. So they can't leave their city," Ruhaan replied.

"Then postpone the meeting," Kabir insisted.

"No, Dad. They said if we signed the contract, they could start their work," Ruhaan explained further.

"When will you come back?" Nishtha asked, her concern evident.

"Late at night."

"You have spare keys, right? Don't disturb Sitara," Nishtha instructed.

"Yes, Maa," Ruhaan said, glancing briefly at Sitara, who had remained silent throughout.

"Okay, then, bye," he said, touching his parents' feet. After bidding farewell to Akshita and Advik, he left, stealing a glance at Sitara on his way out.

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