Flower of Winterfell

Start from the beginning

I swallowed heavily and looked up at her nervously. "Does he mean it? Do I really have to wed him in 6 days and have his child within a year?"

Mother's eyes shut and she exhaled... Exhausted as though this had been a never-ending battle with her and my father. She nodded and then opened her tired eyes to me. "He told me during our journey north that he came up with a decision and that these were the terms of it. I had no say... I wish I did. Or I'd at least let you court him for a year or so first..."

"I wouldn't want to court him for an hour." I replied quickly.

"You have 6 days... Try to make it worth it." Her voice was pleading, and I could only stupidly nod.


"Mother must be out of her mind!" Myrcella shouted loudly as she sat on her bed in the chambers we were sharing for our stay here. Her blush pink gown matching the blush of her cheeks. Her long golden hair touching the top of the bed as she sat. "Do you want me to make that boy's life miserable? Because I'll do it gladly."

I shrugged and began pacing in circles in the room. Occasionally stopping at the fireplace to warm my hands as I still wasn't used to the chill of the north. I missed home... My real home. I hated that this grey and murky place was going to become my new home.

"I wish I was going back to King's Landing with you..." I muttered. "Who am I going to tell all my secrets to?"

She smiled but it was pained. "Sansa is a nice girl."

"She's going to wed Joffrey once they're both of age." I scoffed. "She told me that this morning at breakfast. Mother and Father are clearly busy signing marriage pacts. You best hope they don't sell you to the bastard or the ward."

Myrcella stuck her tongue out and made an icked out sound that resembled a gag like noise. I chuckled to myself and she walked over to the window and looked down to the courtyard. Our chambers had the perfect view of everything from down below.

Robb was training with a sword and soon he walked out of sight and was talking to someone. I could hear his voice but couldn't make out the words. When he came back into sight he had my little brother Tommen with him. He placed a practice sword in Tommen's hand and then held his arms and wrists, showing him where to hold the sword and how to swing it.

Tommen fumbled with it for a little while but Robb stayed patient. He removed his cloak and I couldn't fathom removing any article of clothing in this cold. But then I remembered how his blood must be so thick and used to the cold that it doesn't bother him.

Within no time at all Robb was simply coaching Tommen from the sidelines while he hit the target. First in the belly and then Robb told him to go for the neck. He nicked the shoulder a few times until he finally got the neck. He was then instructed to keep hitting the neck until he no longer missed.

That took quite some time as well. My eyes were glued and not because of Robb. No, never because of him. I was interested in seeing if my youngest brother could actually hit the head on the target. No one ever took the time to train him before like that.

Joffrey had only just learned a few moves but already Tommen had become more advanced and ahead of Joffrey who was 6 years his elder. I chewed my bottom lip as I narrowed my gaze. Watching ever so carefully.

He'd strike. Then miss.

Strike again. Miss.

Myrcella was standing aside me and also cheering on Tommen, impressed with his skills he quickly honed just from being here in Winterfell. Myrcella had muttered something under her breath and then ducked down below the window.

"What?" I asked softly, keeping my eyes on Tommen when I realized Robb was looking up at me with a look of rage and horror in his eyes. It made sense to me why Myrcella had ducked down.

"I said Robb is looking at us!" She stayed crouched below the window. I dropped down with her and sat there.

Together we giggled like sisters do and laughed as we mocked the look on his face. For what felt like hours we laughed and made fun of Robb and how stupid he was. How even he was struggling and then fumbling his sword from time to time.

Myrcella said it was because he knew I was watching him and clearly I made him some sort of nervous.

"Will you send me care packages from home?" I asked Myrcella. "The lemon cakes here are terrible. So dry and lacking on lemon flavor. I miss the way mother made them."

Myrcella smiled. "Oh yes but only if you promise to send me the apple cakes from here! The ones with the blueberries in them! I think I heard Sansa say that Lady Catelyn makes them by hand and not even the kitchen staff has her recipe. Maybe when you marry Robb she'll pass it down to you."

I scoffed and shook my head with a cocky grin on my face. "Oh right and that same day will be the day Father gives Robb the sword of House Baratheon because he feels like it." I rolled my eyes. "What color gown are you going to wear... To my.... My-"

"Don't say it." Myrcella hushed me by pressing a finger to my lips. "I don't feel like having you vomit again."

She was right. I vomited this morning after speaking with my mother and father. All out the window too. Theon Greyjoy isn't too fond of me at the moment because he had just happened to be passing through the courtyard and I tossed my tea and biscuits right out the window and onto his head.

He screamed so loudly that everyone ran outside to check on him and my father laughed so loudly as they were leaving for their hunt he had to change his pants because he pissed himself. Even Lord Stark looked like he bladder grew weaker as Theon cried and complained about his hair and his clothes and the vomit on his head.

"Just tell me what color." I said playfully.

She shrugged. "Mother says we're all going to wear red and gold. Father will be head to toe in gold and she'll be in all red."

"Perhaps she'll let me walk down the isle to The Rains of Castamere or is that too much?" I smirked.

In a coat of gold or a coat of red... A lion still has claws.

Myrcella giggled "The Young Wolf will regret ever messing with the Lioness."

BLIZZARD: Winter Is Coming VOL 7 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now