Millie: yeah mox are ya?

Moxxie: I- what?

Mikey: and I thought I knew you

Blitz: I can't believe you moxxie after I made you employee of the month

Blitz pulls out a photo of moxxie who looks very crazed

Raph: Still think I'd should've gotten that.

Mikey: Hey there's always next time.

Moxxie: Ok sir! I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater no one actually likes the jingles

Raph/Mikey/Leo/Donnie: I mean it was kinda cool/ it seemed fun/ I thought it was interesting/ it seemed nice

Moxxie: Boys do not. Do not agree with him in front of me

Moxxie: I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target its very simple

Loona: oh sit on dick Moxxie.

Moxxie: YOU SIT- sit on a ugh DO YOUR JOB

Raph: Yeah comebacks aren't really your thing pops

Blitz: hey know we don't our screw ups on loona ok she didn't do anything wrong

Blitz hugs her as loona is completely angered by it

Donnie: Are you serious man she is so rude

Flashback 1

Loona was at the receptionist desk reading a magazine when the phone rang

Loona: Hello I.M.P

Millie: Loona I got stabbed call mox-

Loona immediately hangs up the phone

Leo: Hey loona have you seen my mom anywhere?

Loona: No blue boy

Flashback 2

Blitz and Mikey were holding gifts for Loona

Blitz and Mikey: Happy adoption anniversary loonie/ Loona

Mikey: We got gifts for you

Loona: is it a cure for syphilis

Blitz: i- we oh


Loona smashes the boxes as spiders come out of one and crawl out on her a broken friendship bracelet pops out of the other.

Blitz: *out the window* I'm sorry it was spiders

Mikey: *out the window* do you like the bracelet I made it myself

Loona: god dammit

Flashback 3

Loona was watching a commercial on the computer at her desk and moxxie and Donnie had shown up with a paper

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