And appearance

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Wooyoung crosses his ankles and slides lower on the sofa. The room is warm and cosy as the werewolf focuses back on his notebook.
"Active in nature, friendly and easy going, dislikes to be alone, searches for their own kin when stressed, happy, bored, sad, forms lifelong bonds with most of the werewolves they refer to as friends, looks for a mate only once since the inner wolf feels connection instantly, protective of their things, sometimes people around them, have good instincts."
There Wooyoung's writing ends because he couldn't help but feel helpless while taking notes of those things.

Most werewolves already had made friends, figured out their inner self and some of them even found mates, leaving the blond male like an overgrown puppy, who is late for everything.
He has no control over himself, the things werewolves know are all new to him and they are suffocating.
Closing the notebook, Wooyoung leans his head back against the sofa's backrest. He tilts his head to see the window behind him.
Darkness wraps around everything outside. The blonde's blue eyes watch the clouds sliding by, slowly letting something round and white appear in the sky.

Wooyoung sighs, seeing half of the round moon.
He gets up from the sofa and walks to the door, slipping out soundlessly.
The male makes a small stop in his dormitory, throwing his things on the lower bunk bed carelessly before writing a small note to Mingi.
After that he leaves the floor and walks to the nearest exit.
He sees other werewolves walking towards the courtyard as well, all chatting excitedly.
Wooyoung stays on his own, catching the falling door behind a group of werewolves before it manages to close.

It's chilly outside and the first thing gracing the male's ears are distant howls.
The werewolves have already turned.
The blond male stops by the forest, some wolves running past him inside the woods with branches snapping under their paws.
He watches the moon in the sky and waits with bated breath.
The last clouds leave the sky and he feels his inner wolf lose it.
Growling and howling, the animal is running around, trying to bite anything and just destroy anything in sight.
With a fierce cry Wooyoung hears bones breaking, the worst sound he has ever heard and it resonates in his whole being.

Fur covers his skin and he shakes his head while his mouth forms a muzzle and his ears grow bigger.
Standing on all fours on the cold ground, Wooyoung growls before sprinting inside the woods.
His wolf is no longer with him, making him run aimlessly with confusion and anger swirling in his mind. His shoulder hits a tree. Losing orientation, he changes course as bushes and greens hit his fur. His head is heavy and the howls grow further away.
Wooyoung is running alone while desperation blocks his senses.
His nose twitches, a smell of another wolf entering close by.

He growls louder, not able to concentrate enough to find out more. A tree hits his right side and then left shoulder.
It hurts just like always.
The wolf whimpers, stumbling forwards.
A sudden weight pushes the light furred animal and he rolls down the hill, stopping when the attacker has fully laid on top of him.
He pants as his heart beats against his chest. His eyes fixate on the black patch of fur in his vision. The other wolf is warm, probably running for a while to warm himself up.
It's a male, the burn scent of wood says so yet it tells something else Wooyoung is not ready to deal with.

Something akin to a mirage enters his mind in a steady voice.
"Everything alright?"
Wooyoung lets out a huff.
"Yes. Ok. Fine. I'm good. Alright."
His words show the jumble his mind is in, not convincing anyone.
"Focus on one thing, your mind will gradually calm down."
The wolf decides to pay attention to the captivating alpha scent.
Burnt wood enters his lungs and rubs against the insides of his throat, leaving Wooyoung to feel engrossed.
"I'm fine now." he answers.
It's such a new feeling to have someone else's voice in his head. He did talk with his mother once in wolf form but that didn't bring much results.

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