Which he took

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Short breaths and fast heart beats are like leaves, hitting Mingi in the chest along the wind with each step he takes. His navy blue running shoes break branches left and right as he runs through the narrow forest trail.
The air that enters the male's lungs is cold and fresh. He exhales and glances at the path appearing a few metres before him. It should lead back to the Academy, at least if Hongjoong has been merciful in the response he sent at five in the morning to Mingi's four o'clock message.

If not, the forest will become the red head's final destination.

Turning left on the narrow trail, Mingi begins jogging between the tall pine trees. This path makes his insides tingle with a feeling of unease due to the sudden disappearance of a light source.
Mist is known to accompany both day and night here, yet its calm steps don't ease Mingi's agitated heart. He stops, tilting his head back.
The trees obstruct his view of the sun, leaving only thin sunlight rays to break through.

The male's chocolate eyes can only stare at the beams that don't reach him.
It's like he is somewhere deep down in darkness and life continues its rhythm above him.
Shaking his head to get out of the daze, Mingi resumes running.
He still has to change into the uniform and meet the others at the dining hall before Hongjoong hauls him up thousands of stairs to his first lesson.

Since he has been running for twenty minutes, he is sure it will take the same amount of time for him to run back and counting seconds because of boredom, the male makes it further than halfway before stopping completely. He listens in on the noises around him but nothing sounds like something his hearing picked up on moments before. He's probably overthinking.


Mingi turns around at the same time another branch breaks.


The darkness doesn't let him see anything, but his hearing tells him something is coming his way.

Snap. Snap.

Who could it be?


Did Hongjoong decide to join his morning jog?

Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.

Like hell he would!

He turns and starts to sprint. Soon the wind hisses in his ears, not letting the red head fully hear anything behind him. He is watchful of the ground in hopes of not falling face down. Though the moss seems soft.
Mingi keeps on running at full speed that's within his capabilities. His breathing turns irregular, and he forgets the rhythm for that, losing a couple breaths of air. Before he can choke or cough, he turns his head back.

And with that all his silent prayers of it being nothing at all get shattered.
With a scream louder than a siren, the male quickens his pace as much as he can.
A big beast is chasing him, not even God knows why so he can't answer, only look and guess how long it will take for Mingi to go down.
Yet probably even he didn't expect him to fall so fast.

The male feels a strong push from behind and ends up on the ground in an instant. The last puff of air leaves him at the impact. He pushes himself around since the animal has placed its paws on both sides of his body.
Coming face to muzzle with a wolf makes him scream again. The animal has pushed it almost in his face, the black nose slightly twitching.

As if there's something to sniff other than his sweaty clothes.

He doesn't really want to touch the wolf in fear of getting his fingers bitten off but it's getting way too close. Pushing his right hand forwards, he turns the muzzle away from him and keeps his hand on the animal's cheek.
The fur is soft and white while the muzzle and the upper part of the wolf's head is in some brown shade.
The animal moves its head in a fast movement, eliciting another wail from Mingi's startled form.

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