Once upon a time

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The red head digs his nails in the leather strap over his shoulder. Trying not to stare so blatantly at people around him, he makes his way past the gathering masses, eyes cast downwards.
His senses pick up on the constant shift of energies as his skin almost tickles from the looks he is getting.

A drop of rain lands on his bare nape, reminding him of this morning's weather forecast.
The male walks through the open doors inside a hall, which is even more packed than the outside. The male is about to turn on his heel and wait in the front yard when a soft ding comes from the pocket of his jeans.

He takes out his phone, reading the only new message on his otherwise dry device.

I see you

The young man lets out a snort at the horror movie worthy message.
He lifts his chocolate-coloured eyes to look at the crowd.
There a rather particular male is making his way towards the latter.

He has a fashionable, black uniform and the jacket has a badge in the place his heart should be with a raven on it. The animal is looking sideways, perched on a small branch.
The red head knows for a fact that thankfully, the man coming his way has a beating heart under all the fancy clothes.

"Welcome to the house of the forgotten yet still living!"
"Look, instead of greeting someone's already making jokes about his sleep deprived organism."

"Ha, ha, ha."

The males go in for a handshake before hugging.
"Good to see you here, Mingi."
"I missed you. A tiny bit."
"A tiny bit it is." the black-haired man steps back and his ring adorned fingers reach to his neck, yanking the tie slithering around like a snake.

"You look quite put together if we overlook your dead eyes and wrinkly shirt."
"I was born with these eyes, and you haven't seen the full package yet. I left the vest in my dorm to not seem too dressed up for your arrival."

Mingi smiles, a row of teeth appearing.
"It's quite crowded though."
"Yeah...most of them are here to check in their dorms, meaning they have at least a temporary stay and aren't seeds like you."

The taller of the two rolls his eyes.
"Not the nonsense words again."
"Hey, it's the language around here, get used to it."
"You have seriously lost all language skills while being here for three years, Hongjoong."
"You will get used to it. And for your information, starting this year I count as a fourth year, show some respect."

"All hail the master of seeds." Mingi voices out loudly. A dull sound comes from his chest as Hongjoong's hand collides with the skin.
"Ouch." he says without any real pain.
"Do not say that. If only you knew how wrong that sounds...you will get it eventually."
"If I get accepted, that is."

A dissatisfied glint appears in the male's black eyes.
"Don't speak nonsense. From the moment you stepped on my sand skull, I knew there was something different about you."
"A newly unlocked level of clumsiness in the local sandpit?"

"That too but it's the least of your worries. We also accept everyone with birth defects."
Hongjoong lets out a wild laugh.
Some heads turn their way but all they see is Mingi's fond expression as he looks at the shorter male, who has leant his head back to laugh.
"Alright, alright... my apologies. When is your exam taking place? I will gladly accompany you there."

"I still have half an hour, but I'm expected to be in the Storage room fifteen."
"Did you arrive early to meet me?" Hongjoong asks.
"In fact, I did. Calms my nerves."
The black hair's expression softens immensely.
"Let's go, you big sack of fluff. I want you to meet someone and grab a snack. Too many creatures in here."

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