"I am not being a sore loser!" Mason yells out at Kyle.

"Hey guys stop! You both need to calm down!" Julia tries to mediate between the two brothers.

"What is going on back there?! Are you guys trying to fight with each other?" Eve said from her perch on riding her ox Willy.

"No!" The Beckett boys immediately say to her simultaneously.

"Good! You better not be fighting! I am trying to have a peaceful travel back home."

After dropping Julia to her home first, Eve led the boys back to the Beckett residence.

Before the front door of the Becketts home, Eve heard crying through the door.

"Oh Jeremiah, this is terrible! How could this have happened!" She heard Arlene say hysterically through the door.

"Shhh, it will be fine my love. He will be found soon," said Jeremiah, trying to soothe his wife.

"But they say he has been gone for weeks! And no one didn't notice until now!"

"What is going on with mom and dad?" Mason asked worryingly

"I don't know Mason, but I think something bad has happened," replied Kyle, equally as worried.

Eve feels a horrible pit in her stomach.

"I think we will soon find out," She knocks on the door.

The door opens, and Jeremiah head pops out.

"Boys! Eve! I'm glad that you guys are back before it's dark out" Jeremiah gave the three of them a bear hug.

"Oh my dears! You are finally back!" With tears steaming her face, Arlene also gave them a hug after Jeremiah let's go of them.

"Arlene, I heard you crying through the door. What is going on?" Eve asked in concern.

Arlene face Eve with watery eyes.

"The Honorable Healer Marick Rolfe is missing," she said.

"Missing?!" Eve, Kyle, and Mason said in shock.

"Yes...they said he went to the Kooky Forest for his regular medicine run. He usually comes back fine within a few days but this time...he hadn't been back for weeks."

"What?!" Shouted Eve.

"He is Beggar's Village only doctor... if something has happened to him" Arlene trailed of, couldn't bare to finish her sentence.

Eve has one thought.

We're screwed.

"Not only is Healer Marick is missing, we will soon have to prepare for the worst days that will come this year," Arlene continues.

"What do you mean Arlene?" Asked Eve, feeling a chill coming through her body.

"The Village Leader Orion said that this years Dumping Day, will not be the same as the previous years."

When Eve first arrived to Beggar's Village, Arlene had told her that the Draconian empire sent resources to the outcast villages...as well as trash. Eve had seen it in the past 3 years she has been living here. The empire's entourage that would come over all the way to the Outcast Territory are Draconian guards or soldiers. Their intimidating selves make sure that the outcasts accept every unwanted sh*t given to them. Dumping Day is what it's called here. It happens once or twice a year. There are no exact day when it happens, the village leader gets a letter by a bird messenger to be notified of it.

"Why would this years Dumping Day be different?" Eve once again asked.

"Orion got a missive from the empire...it said that someone from the Royal Family will come to oversee it too..."


"They didn't put who it will be, just a very important member of the Draconian Royal Family."

"Do you know when they will come?"

"Orion said it will be in 1 month."

"1 month..."


Draconian Empire - The Royal Palace

In an opulent study room of the Draconian Royal Palace, a handsome white haired man with a crown on his head is fully concentrated in writing on a piece of parchment paper. Right now, he is the only person in the room.

Once he finished writing, he set aside his quill pen and leaned back on the extravagantly decorated study chair. His gray eyes staring ahead looking at nothing in particular.

"Evelina Winstead, what are you up to? Soon, I will see with my own eyes what have become of you." The unknown man said to himself.

Suddenly a knock is heard from the door.

"Come in."

The door was gently opened to show a middle aged man.

"Your Highness," the man greeted.

"My spymaster, what have you come to report?"

"The infiltration was successful," said the spymaster.

"Excellent. Anything else you have?"

"I also have written documents entailing the goings of the Outcast Territory, especially regarding Beggar's Village." Said the man, holding some papers.

"Hand it to me. I must look through it immediately. Thank you Spymaster."

"It is an honor to serve you my Emperor."

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя