Part 1, Devil Grove Rivalry

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(Pic for this chapter done by VixDojoFox on DeviantArt)

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(Pic for this chapter done by VixDojoFox on DeviantArt)

He is a human, I am a macaw, I game, he fights, what more can I say?

We are like a certain hedgehog and middle-aged man that break the internet with their presence.

We both don blue, however I am the brain to his brawn, he is inferior to my hacking skills!

I have won every video game tournament I went to! That is why I always beat him at Tekken!

But enough about me and him, I am sure you are all wondering, "who even are you?" well, that is quite effortless, I am Gavin...

I work at Devil Grove Games, computers are my passion, since I was little, I could hack anywhere, my preschool teacher's bank account, my school's info, you name it! I was successful due to my hacking ability; I altered my own information to score this amazing job! At least I was honest about my name.

Sure, it might sound bad, but it shows how much of a genius I can be! I mean come on! There is 376,000 people here at Devil Grove and I am the smartest one! Smarter than that egg head and fox fanboy!

The door opened as I was organizing the games on the shelf, "Sup Gavin, you up to hang at the gym and do some light sparring?"

There he was, the blue haired teen in the student uniform, Daniel, my brawny counterpart.

I turned toward him and looked into his blue eyes, he was much taller than I, "Sure, why not Danny my man! After that you want to play some Tekken?"

Daniel gave off a shrug, "I mean I'm down, it's what we always do homie, you and I are tight dog!"

His mannerisms were a bit cringey, but despite our rivalry we had one thing, a gripping friendship, like brothers from other mothers.

We were walking down the street to the Devil Grove Youth Center; it was filled with a ton of martial artists and people that just overall wanted to hang at the Juice Bar.

Daniel and I had a talk, "So how are things with you? Last I checked there was an accident at Metro City during a tournament, what happened in your town?"

Daniel seemed nonchalant, "My teacher, Luke, says that a terrorist named JP orchestrated an explosion attempt and manipulated a couple of innocent kids, he was brought to justice.... However, one of them did not make it...."

The darkness of the topic swept over us, but Daniel was back on track, "So, other than my fighting escapades, how are things here? I heard around your city you also went through something similar with an illusionist."

Ah, the rebellion against Infinite, the one I did not take part of because I was too busy gaming in solitude with walls hard enough to withstand a planet bust, "Meh, I only heard about it on the news, I did not care about it, but it is over now. I"

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