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The whole house was quiet, the only exception to this was the harsh winds from the winter season. It provided Saffire the perfect cover to leave undetected, armed with nothing but the bag on her back and the knife strapped to her thigh. The decision to leave was easy, almost too easy for the history she shared with those she was abandoning. But it needed to be done, she was dangerous.

It was easy enough to step out into the harsh winds but what Saffire found hard was stepping away from her home– from her family. With every step, her body seemed to get heavier like the ground was trying to pull her in. Her homeland didn't seem to want to let her go. Saffire fought against her own feet as she walked away. That magnetic force that seemed to pull her back to the house lessened the further away she walked. But it didn't make it easier.

Her heart was heavy. Everything within her was screaming to turn around and act like she hadn't tried to run away. Saffire's heart tried to convince herself that what she was doing was stupid but her head knew that it was the correct decision. It was the only thing she could do to protect her family.

Saffire stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at the house one final time. There was one light on and a pang of guilt rang through Saffire. Before she could even contemplate returning, Saffire spun on her heel and walked away, knowing that it was the last time she would ever see that house again.

When her family awoke that morning, they found Saffire gone. Her scent lingered but it was clear she wasn't in the house. She was no longer in Velaris. Saffire was gone.


It was four months of travelling around the continent before Saffire ended up in the small Kingdom of Vassuryn. Saffire was desperate by the time she got there. The moon was high in the sky and Saffire's mouth was dry. She hadn't eaten in nearly a week and water had been sparse from her traverse across the desert. Her hair was matted and her clothes were torn and shredded from weeks in the harsh environment. Saffire passed out on the doorstep to the palace.

When she awoke she was greeted by the high carved stone ceiling and silk curtains in the colours of the kingdom draped across the windows blocking out the bright midday sun. Healers were crowded around her bed checking on her and the injuries she had sustained on her journey.

"Where am I?" Saffire asked no one in particular.

The healers crowding her stilled at her voice as they talked in hushed whispers in a language Saffire didn't understand.

"We found you on our doorstep," A commanding voice echoed throughout the healing chambers.

Despite her aching body, Saffire turned in the direction of the voice. She wore a crown on the top of her head of glittering gold, complimenting the warm brown tone of her skin. Her dark hair was braided down the middle of her back, streaks of grey mixing with the black.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐒  | azrielWhere stories live. Discover now